In this episode, Leah dives into Undefined Centers in Human Design, aka your greatest lessons in life. She discusses all of the following:

04:10 BTS of my upcoming Human Design Training

21:26 What are Centers?

23:57 What are undefined/open centers?

25:20 Themes of the energy centers

28:20 If you are healthy or unhealthy in your undefined centers

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, takes us on a journey of learning all about the undefined centers in human design. She explains each of the centers and what it means if they’re undefined. Leah also shares with us how you can use your undefined centers to live in alignment with your energy and human design type.


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Hello guys. Welcome back to another episode of The Design Of You, the podcast. And if I sound a little bit different today, that's because I'm using a brand new microphone. And this is actually my second time recording on this. It's using this microphone, but the first episode that I recorded with it won't come out for a couple more months, but I love this new mic and it sounds so good.


At least it does to me and my ears compared to my old mic. So if you have like auditory, , preferences, I hope that now my podcast sounds better for you, One little fun tip to know is that if you have Valley's environment in human design, which I do, your, the sound and like auditory senses are actually heightened in you.


So those of you with Valley's environment, you may be enjoying a new mic. So I'm excited for this episode today just to jump right into things. , we're going to be talking about undefined centers and spoiler alert next week. I'm going to be talking about defined centers. And I originally was going to do this episode as one giant episode, but then I decided that it made a little bit more sense.


To split it up into two episodes, because there's so much to cover within the centers and there's just a lot of context and just stuff that I want you guys to know, just as you are exploring, learning more about yours and what the defined versus undefined or open, if that's something you've heard. What those all mean, how to navigate through your centers and, and all the stuff.


So this episode is for everyone because all of us have undefined centers. Actually could not be true for a couple of people. If you have all nine centers defined, this episode actually will not be applicable to you, but will be for people in your life. And then of course, reflectors don't have any defined centers, and you may or may not have known that.


So, , next week's episode will maybe not apply fully to them, but always a great reason to tune in just to learn a little bit more about, you know, the other people in your life. So, so yeah, so before I dive into all of the undefined open centers, how to navigate those, I obviously love to give a little bit of a personal update.


And I actually sat down and I was like, okay, what is happening in my life? What can I share? And I feel like I don't have a whole lot, but that's probably not true, of course. so yeah, so I was thinking about the last time I recorded and what I've chatted with you guys about, because this is really the place that I get the most personal.


I mean, I have a personal Instagram and I know several of you follow that. And I share sometimes personal things on my stories there, but I mean, I definitely give the most personal context here of all time, which either people love or, or hate, but I am someone who's extremely nosy and I love listening to people's podcasts because I love to know what's going on in people's lives.


So that said my life updates. So. It's currently the beginning of July and I have been in Ohio slash Michigan. I always get questions on where I'm from. I'm from Toledo, Ohio is like the city of where I'm from. Like, you know, when people are like, Oh, I'm from Los Angeles or New York City or You know, , Nashville and they're actually like a suburb outside of that.


That's like me. I'm from Toledo, Ohio, but I'm, I'm actually not from Toledo, Ohio. I'm actually from a suburb in Michigan. And those of you that either don't live in the States or are not familiar with the geography of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio is right on the Michigan border. And I am from a small town outside of that.


Small city. and so when I was home, I was just visiting family in Michigan and Ohio. And so people are always like, are you from Michigan or are you from Ohio? I feel like that was the constant conversation I was having in college. And honestly, I continue to have that conversation, but It's because I always have had a Michigan license because that's where, you know, my house was, that's where I went to school or, you know, grade school and high school.


And then I went to college in, I went to Miami of Ohio and I was with the like Toledo group of friends in college. And so people would always. Be confused when we'd be at a bar or something and I'm pulling out a Michigan License and they'd be like, wait a minute I thought you were from Toledo and I'm like Toledo is just on the border and they're like no way I'm like, yep So anywho, I have been home.


My dad celebrated his 60th. My dad's a Projector and then, my nephew, he just had his seventh birthday. And so it was just a good time to see family. And then also tons of friends. I, the, the more I, you know, get older and I live away and develop friendships in the, on the West coast, I just don't get home as much.


And. so yeah, it was really great to see friends and family and to go to all my favorite places back at home and just all that good stuff. something I've been learning about myself though, is that I am very much of a, an introvert now. And I have never said that in the past, probably 10 years. If you were to ask me, Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


I'm always like, I'm an extrovert. And I haven't taken a Myers Briggs test in a while. I'll have to do that. But the Myers Briggs is the one where it's like the, like I am an ENFJ, but I might be an INFJ now. And basically the I or the E is the first letter is an introvert or an extrovert. And, you know, something that I dislike about a lot of personality tests.


And that I love about human design is that, so personality tests, they always change based on when you take them. So like the Enneagram changes all the time, Myers Briggs can change all the time. And what I love about human design is that it literally does not change. It's the imprint of your energetic body when you were born and actually even a little bit before that too.


So. I, so I need to retake that test, but I learned while I was home that I'm very much more of an introvert now I, and I think I have been noticing this now that I'm like reflecting back the more and more that I hang out with people, I'm starting to realize I'm actually drained by people now. So it's very interesting.


I think a lot of times we get really stuck on the, the languaging of the introvert versus or, you know, just different like little phrases that we use in life and. It's a reminder that, you know, we evolve as we get older and we grow and we learn more. And for me, I'm realizing that I'm a lot more introverted.


I could not wait to come home after being come home to, you know, my place in California after being back in my hometown for 10 days. And I love my family and I love my friends, of course, but oh man, there's nothing like your own space and your routine and all that good stuff. So. I was so happy to, , just come back and get into my routine.


I was supposed to go to DC this coming weekend and I ended up just fully canceling my trip. and Zander went without me so I could just stay back to work. I just have so much. Going on at the design of you. It's so funny. So Tiana T who helps me with social planning and posting. She, , we were voice noting one day and she called the design of you TDOI.


And I was laughing because I've never called it that, but now it's like, that's the new name of my business behind the scenes is we're like TDOI. And so it's been busy and TDOI. bts tdoy has been crazy. There's been a lot going on. So, and I'll, I'll jump into some of that here in a little bit, but that's what I've been up to personally.


Lots of stuff with my dog. I don't even like talking about this stuff with my dog anymore because everyone just rolls our eyes. , but we are actually, what I will say is, so those of you that are new, my dog is. Just suffers from really bad allergies. And, , the poor thing is just, he's the best little guy in the whole world.


And we love him. Like he's our child. I'm convinced I birthed this baby into the world. I love him so much. And he is allergic to everything under the sun. And it's, it's just sad because he, he's a reflector. So he's already sensitive. He's a cancer. He's just like born the sensitive, loving, empathetic, hilarious dog.


And. He's of course allergic to everything. And so I'm very cautious of his environment and stuff like that. And we are now starting immunotherapy. Well, I guess we're not starting for another month or so, but, , we went to the dermatologist and we just did all this blood work and all these things. And so we're going to be starting immunotherapy with him, which hopefully is like the last thing we'll have to do.


He just turned three. That's another personal update. Gus Gus, my, my baby He just turned three June 29th. So, You know, he's got a lot of life to live and we want him to be as comfortable and happiest and healthy as possible. So we will be starting immunotherapy and then hopefully, hopefully praying that that's the last thing we ever have to do with him and his little ailments.


But yeah, , so that is the life update. And I feel like I have one more thing to share after I'm like sitting here. Oh, I am also re evaluating my relationship with alcohol, which has been something I've shared a little bit about very smallly on my Instagram. But if you guys remember, if you've been listening for a while, one of my first episodes is called The Power of Intention, and I actually talk about intention changing my relationship with alcohol, and that still rings true for me.


Bye. I am very sober curious and have been for a long time. I always joke that I'm a retired party girl. I went to, again, Miami of Ohio, which if any of you listening know anything about that university, I mean, it's just like Greek drinking college. It's very fun school. I could cry when I talk about my college experience.


I loved college so much. It quite literally is my favorite. College is, was the best time of my life. Like truly. And, but you know, I have been really having, I've been having a strange relationship with alcohol since 2019 is, is really where I was like, this doesn't feel supportive for me. Actually, I would say 2018 was when it started my senior, my second semester senior year of college is when it really began and then it kind of dragged into the past several years and, you know, I've gone months without drinking or several weeks and I've drank really lightly like that's kind of where I'm at right now.


I don't really indulge a whole lot. And, , and I'm happy that way, but I also have just been so like, sober curious where I just don't feel like it's me anymore. I feel like, especially with the spiritual work that I've been doing with the psychic mediumship stuff that I've been doing. What you guys, there's an episode coming out on that soon.


It's going to be incredible. not soon, I'd say in August or September. So just stay tuned for that. I did record it, but I've got a lot to talk about before then. And just human design related stuff that I know you guys are excited about. So. We're going to have those episodes come in first and then some more personalized stuff.


But I, , as I've been getting into the energy work a little bit deeper, I'm noticing the effects that alcohol really has on my intuition. And, I also just recorded an episode with Amanda Kuda, who is. The author of a book coming out this fall called unbottled potential. And she is actually just one of the most incredible sobriety coaches.


She works with women and specifically like spiritual women on their relationships with alcohol. And so, , as I've been in this sort of journey, it was very serendipitous. I got an email from. Her agency asking if she could call my podcast and talk a little bit about what she does. And I just could not, it was an immediate, yes.


I could not wait to bring her on because I was like, I just selfishly want to bring her in to talk about some of this stuff. So that episode won't come out until October, but just giving you guys insight into my personal life. I basically. then, so I've been in this sort of sober, curious journey, then recorded that podcast with her.


And I have just been like, I, I'm done, like, I just don't really care about drinking. And I've had a couple here and there and, and like celebration, I've just been very cautious of like, okay, why am I drinking? What is the intention around this? And so that's also been something that I've been moving through.


And I know that upcoming here. When this podcast release, it's going to be a new moon in, or about to be a new moon in cancer. And then there's a Venus retrograde happening shortly after that. I'm not an astrology expert, but I know enough to be dangerous. And I know that there's some big energy. Shifts happening, some really big energy shifts, some of the biggest of this year, this month.


And so I am hoping that those energy shifts really start to kick things into full gear for me and start to align me with things a little bit closer to my purpose. So that is, I guess, everything wrapped up there. And, you know, before I jump into the centers, I also just want to give you guys some BTS on what's happening in The Design Of You.


So as you guys know, I am launching my first ever human designed live training. I have always taught in a mentorship style for the past year and a half or two, and I love mentoring people one on one, but there's a couple things that I've realized. One, it's It's not sustainable for me to work with people in that capacity one on one.


And I have had so many people reach out saying, I would love to learn human design with you. Is there a group of people I can connect with? What's it like? And I've never done a group program with human design. So I am finally bringing that to you guys in this big container. and also I want to give you guys just insights into what to expect.


And just updates because I have officially decided the dates in which that this live course will be happening. And I have the name of the live course and then just details with it. So first and foremost, let's just start with the name. So This live human design training, and this will also be a self paced course shortly after the live training, will be called Human Design Mastery, and this is going to be one of my signature programs, and it will be available indefinitely, and I am so excited about that, but the thing to know about the program is number one, so we start, , the first week in September, so After labor day, if you're in the States, the week of September 3rd, I am thinking our first live call will be September 7th, but I also just realized that I have a flight that day for a wedding that I'm going to that weekend.


So I am working through the time and the date, but it will start that week. September 3rd is when we will begin human design mastery. And this is the program to learn human design, to either become a reader, integrate human design into your life. or integrate human design knowledge into an existing business.


And I'm just going to give you the knowledge and then, you know, you have to figure out how to integrate it. There is an entire module dedicated to professional development, how to talk about human design, how to integrate it into different professions, examples of how this really works in. Everyday, everyday life and everyday professions and how people that I know and that I've mentored incorporate this knowledge into the stuff that they do.


So, there is going to be lots of content coming for the, , just human design knowledge and, professional development, and then there's also going to be a whole section on integration and embodiment. Because again, I want you guys to learn human design, but I also want you guys to be embodied teachers.


So if you decide to start a business as a human design reader, or again, you integrate into something else that you do, I want you to be embodied in this knowledge and, and human design is one of the most beautiful and impactful tools. I have not met one person that has not gone down the journey of human design that, you know, came back a better person.


And so. We're going to go through all of that in this course. I'm so excited. So it'll be six weeks, two calls per week, and it'll be intense, but I want people to know that the intensity does not mean that it's going to be scratching the surface. It's still going to be very deep and detailed, and there's going to be so much support outside of the live call.


So you're going to have, we're going to have a community portal to connect with everyone in the program to ask me questions. We're also going to have worksheets and meditations and exercises for you to really practice this in your everyday life. If you want to study more, we're going to have worksheets.


Again, and we're gonna have study guides and flashcards for you to practice and, you know, just really master the info. And you know, if you can't join the live calls, because I, to be honest, I mean, that's only me teaching it. So I know I'm not going to be in everyone's time zone at the perfect time. So there will be with this live course, there's also going to be.


A, a replay. So you do not have to join it live. And if you're in this live course, know that when the self paced version comes out, which is going to be either during this course or shortly after you will have access to the self paced version and everyone who's been in my mentorship, you will have access to this course immediately as well.


So that is kind of all of the info baked in. The last thing I just want to add is that I'm also being very, very not cautious. I'm doing my due diligence to make sure that every type of learner is supported. So again, I mentioned there's going to be worksheets and exercises. So those of you that want to experiment, maybe some like line threes, maybe some line sixes.


, those of you that want to get out in the real world and actually practice or want to like, you know, write things down, you'll have that. That opportunity to learn in that way. Those of you that just like to read, you will have obviously slides and you'll have lots of papers to read through if that's the most supportive way for you to learn.


For visual learners like me, there will be video. There will be audio for those of you that just like to listen. So what I'm trying to say is that every type of learner will be supported in this program. I'm very cautious of people's learning styles. There's even a whole section in this course dedicated to how you learn best based on your human design, so that you are set up for success as you move into this program.


That's just a little bit about the program. I would love to have you join me. It's, I mean, guys, it's going to be so good. I, I've never taken a course like this one that I'm creating, obviously, because it's, it's me creating it with my approach. And if you're not familiar with my background in human design, I've been doing, I've been doing human design for a long time.


I have taken. Hours and hours of courses. I have spent so much money on my human design journey and read a gazillion books and, and so much stuff. I'm line one. If you don't know what that means, that means I love research and investigation. And I have seven line ones in my chart. That is my thing. So I'm very excited to bring all of the information that I have just sitting in my brain to you in this course, because it's going to be good.


It is going to be life changing and I'm just so excited to put this like twist on my not twist away that I'm going to change things around. I'm going to make it so it's very practical and understandable for you while also giving you the grounded tools to understand the depth and the science and the ancient systems behind the human design system.


So I'd love to have you the waitlist is below the waitlist actually gets you early bird pricing. So definitely join that because when the course goes live, which just to give you another spoiler alert, it will the right in the beginning of August, I'm going to be launching the course. So you'll have basically a month to enroll.


And there's only going to be a short period of time for those of you that are on the waitlist to get that early bird pricing. And then everyone else is just going to have to pay the normal pricing. when the early bird sort of a chunk of time is over. So. Definitely get on the wait list below. And now let's just dive into centers enough about what's happening in the design of you and my personal life.


Let's dive into the content because that's why you're here.


Okay. So now let's just talk about what a center is. So basically in our human design chart, we have all of these shapes. So if you don't already have your chart, you can go to my website and. Look up your chart for free. It's linked down below in the show notes and you'll need your birth time, of course, but look up your chart.


And basically you're going to see this body graph or your human design chart, and it's going to have all these shapes and symbols on this chart. And so what you need to look at is what those, those shapes are essentially. And so some will be colored in and some will be not colored in. So they'll, they'll be white.


And, reflector, none of them are going to be colored in just a disclaimer. And this episode will be really helpful for you. But, basically your energy centers, there's nine of them and they have different energy themes within your chart. When we look at a chart, I actually kind of like to look at it as a full blown circuitry.


So I look at the, I mean, it really is. It's not that I just look at it that way. Like it is a circuitry. And so all of the shapes are kind of like circuits and then. When we have channels, which are basically the lines that connect the different colored in centers or shapes, it's kind of like wires connecting these energy circuits.


And so when I look at a human design chart, I'm kind of looking at all of these energy themes that are happening and are connected to one another. But today we're specifically going to be talking about all of the centers that are colored white. Now, I know you're probably like, wait, I don't know, you know, what center is what I don't know what the root is.


I don't know what the solar plexus. And you might not even know those names and we're going to break it all down. But basically each of the energy centers is a, , it has a theme to it that gives us insight into an area of our life. So our emotions, pressure, identity, our, our voice, our communication, our mind, and all of these energy centers have those themes.


And so some people either have those themes consistently or inconsistently. If you're familiar with the chakra system, which is a part of human design, this is where the centers might start to look familiar. Now, instead of there being the seven sort of chakras that go right up and down the middle, the human design actually has nine different centers.


And again, each not only governs an aspect of our lives, again, how we handle communication or how we handle pressure, but also it has a physical correlation too. So a lot of times that means we can fall out of alignment with certain things. So We're going to walk through each of the undefined centers and how to know if your center is, I guess, healthy or not.


So the first thing to know is that with every sort of open or undefined center, what really happens here is that it's a place where we gain a lot of wisdom and a place where we're here to learn a lot of our greatest lessons. That is kind of the beauty of having an undefined center is that. We just, you were sensitive there.


We become wise there. We learn things. And the other thing is that we actually, we amplify energy in our open centers. So basically you feel the energy that someone else has defined in the openness that you have. So an example is, so I have a defined ego or heart center and. When someone's with me and they have an undefined ego or heart center, they're going to feel that from me.


I have an undefined emotional or solar plexus center and When I'm around someone who has a defined solar plexus, I feel that pretty intensely. And so basically when we have these open centers, we're, we're learning a lot of our greatest lessons here. We're learning a lot about why we operate in certain ways.


We learn a lot about like where we're conditioned, where we feel energy from other people. And it gets in the way of our own process gets in the way of how we make decisions. And so again, it's just where we have. So much potential where we learn so many great lessons and where we just become really wise.


And so now just diving into each of the different centers, there's nine total and some of them are motor centers. Some of them are pressure centers. Some of them are identity centers. There's awareness centers and there's communication centers. I, well, I guess I should say. The communication and the identity are just individual centers, but we have different sort of categories of our centers.


And so of the nine, the motor ones are the ego, , or the heart or will center, depending on who you're learning from. It's basically the small baby triangle in your chart. That is that one, the emotional solar plexus, the sacral and the root are all motors. And so what a motor is doing a car. They bring the fuel.


There's engine. There's, there's, there's energy there, right? And then the head center or crown, sometimes people call it and the root or pressure centers. You heard that right? The root and the root. And, , I should just say the root is a pressure center and a motor center. and then we have awareness centers.


And so these are places where we, again, we have like a lot of awareness that happens. And so our mind center or the Ajna, , and then the emotional solar plexus again, and then the spleen are all awareness centers. And then our throat center is for communication. And then our identity center, which is sometimes called the G center is the area where we have our identity.


And so basically these All of these centers is, , again, where we're going to learn such great lessons. And so as I walk through each one, I'm going to give you some insight into know if, into knowing if your center is healthy or not, if your condition here or not, and just how to work with that. So starting all the way down at the bottom, I'm actually going to start with the root center.


So this is the square all the way down at the bottom again. And the root is all about pressure and drive and adrenaline and worry. And having an undefined root means that you have an inconsistent way of handling stress and pressure in that kind of just in your life. And so with that being said, People hear it as a shadow.


They can sometimes take on the stress and pressure that other people feel. So an example of this is perhaps in a working environment when someone's really stressed about a project or a deadline and it's not something that you're I think that's necessarily, , should be stressed or worried about because maybe like falls out of your scope of work, you will feel the pressure from other people and that sort of energy there and the stress to do something.


And so people here become really wise about stress, really wise about, worries and really wise about, what really kind of like. What what drives people behind stress and things like that. So there's this really beautiful chance to learn a lot about the stress process. And then also ambition because there's this way of seeing like, okay, I can see the drive and ambition that people have in this place.


So you also have the ability to somewhat feel that. So if you have an undefined root center, if it's unhealthy in that place, which is a sign of conditioning, a sign of being out of alignment with your strategy and authority. And this applies to all centers. As I talk through unhealthy versus healthy, , take note of that.


An unhealthy energy center just means that you are not using your strategy and authority. So go back to the episodes on that, but basically an unhealthy root center is going to show up as burnout due to those amplified stress levels that you're feeling forever. from everyone else. It's going to show up as difficulty, from being overwhelmed and this pressure to do, and you may become addicted to adrenaline rushes because, every now and again, you get one of those and you accomplish something stressful.


And so you kind of get addicted to like that adrenaline. Now, if you have a healthy, undefined root center, it's going to feel like this energy where you don't have to rush through things. You don't need to. Worry yourself or stress out about things because you know that there's no benefit in stressing and worrying.


You recognize healthy and unhealthy forms of pressure and when to engage with those, and you're able to separate other people's stress from your own stress. Cause again, you feel so much of that. So when you're healthy there, you can figure out, okay, is this mine to carry or not mine to carry? So now moving into the solar plexus center, which is oftentimes called the emotional center.


This is the triangle on the right hand side of your chart that's sideways. And so this is the area of emotions. If you have this defined, you're going to be an emotional authority. And if you don't, you're going to be a different authority. But essentially, , this area is where we control feelings and moods.


And. It's this place where we can feel the emotions of other people or not. And so if you have an undefined solar plexus, like I do, you are someone who is warm with lots of empathy and this ability to feel the emotions of other people. Now, not to say if you were to find here that you're not empathetic, that's not.


What I mean by that, but it's that you have this, your own sort of emotional wave that you ride. If you know anything about emotional authority, if you're an emotional, it's it just kind of think of that. When I'm talking about someone who has a defined emotional center where you have a consistent way of dealing with your emotions, you're always kind of on this wave and people who have an undefined.


Solar plexus or emotional center, they actually don't have a consistent way of how they deal with emotions. And so, the shadow here is just taking on the emotions of other people. So oftentimes it's like feeling sad or feeling some type of way when there's nothing in your life that actually is causing you to feel that way.


It's just something that you're picking up from someone else. And so there's this energy that happens where you tend to. If you have an undefined emotional solar plexus, you will feel those things. And again, it can be so beautiful, but also can be something that allows you to struggle a little bit too, because you're taking on the emotions of others.


There's also this energy of not confronting things, not wanting to confront situations or people or feelings, because since you feel the energy from others, you don't want to add any more. Fuel to the fire. So sometimes it's like, I'm just not going to say anything. I don't want to confront other people.


So signs of an unhealthy, undefined solar plexus are having trouble separating which emotions are yours versus someone else's using your emotions to make decisions when When someone who doesn't have a defined solar plexus doesn't have emotions to, that they should use in making decisions in general, and really no one should make decisions from their emotions.


And then also it's going to be nervous again about confrontation, trying to hide true feelings and then struggling to let go of things. And so holding on when it's not yours to carry. If you have a health. The solar plexus, , you are going to be really wise about emotions. You're going to use that empathetic nature in you to help others.


And so you can also disengage from other people's emotions. That's a healthy sign. you use your strategy and authority to make decisions, not other people's emotions. you can assess the emotional stability of other people and you're very secure in yourself and how you express yourself through your emotions and how you feel.


So now moving into the sacral center. So the sacral center is basically anyone who's a generator that's listening or manifesting generator. This one won't apply to you. So basically the sacral center is the square second from the bottom. I just wanted to stop myself because I had someone send me in an email saying that I say basically too much on my podcast and , I don't know how to stop myself from saying certain words, but I'm working on it.


And I noticed that I just did that. So sorry, not sorry. , but yeah, so going back into the sacral center, this is the second square from the bottom. So this is that the life force, you know, that fuel, that motor. And so this is going to apply to projectors, manifestors, or reflectors, because they don't have defined sacrals.


And This area is where we, again, have that life force, the energy generators are called generators because they have this motor inside of them that generates energy. And so if we think about that, if someone doesn't have that, that energy consistent in them, so their sacral is undefined, they are someone who can really feel the energy levels from other people and.


You know, what can happen here is that you can get really prone to overworking or overdoing to try and keep up with everyone. you could also have depleted energy, you could also feel depleted because you're around people who use that life force in unhealthy ways. So if you're around a generator, a manifesting generator that doesn't love what they do, that's going to have an effect on you.


And so, Anyone with an undefined sake role, , the signs of an unhealthy one is just again, that depleted energy, having trouble setting boundaries at work and relationships and with sex. This is the sex area of our chart and so can also be, unhealthy relationships with just like kind of taking on the energy from other people and using it not,  in the way that works for you and a sign of a healthy sake role.


If you have an undefined. It's a girl and health and it's healthy. It basically you will be someone who honors your energy levels. You take rest, you take a nap. If you need a nap, you don't burn yourself out. You don't push yourself too hard. You have very healthy boundaries of other people. You say, no, you honor your energy levels and you can rest without having negative feelings.


And so. That is a little bit about the sacral and if it's healthy or not within you. And now we move to the spleen. So the spleen center is the triangle on the left hand side that's sideways. This is an awareness center. This is where we find instincts and, , safety and fear. This is this area where, you know, some people, if they have an undefined spleen, they can pick up on the basically health and fears of other people, the well being of others.


And so they're really sensitive to that. And that's a beautiful thing because there's a way that people can guide others there. But also there's lessons here because it's kind of like the root center and the, , emotional center where you want to be careful of what you're taking on from others. So a sign of an unhealthy, undefined spleen is feeling overwhelmed by fear, looking to others for a sense of security, , taking on the fears of other people.


Or taking on the wellbeing of others. And if you're around someone that's sick and then all of a sudden you're now picking up on their illness and then becoming ill yourself. And so, with that, you could have a hard time determining who and what. Who is good for you? What is good for you or not? And so those are just some signs of unhealthy spleens now a sign of a healthy spleen an unhealthy undefined spleen is that you're really able to Separate your own needs and well being from the needs of others You're able to witness people's fears, but not take on their fears or become overwhelmed by them I mean, you're also very attuned to instincts but you don't use them to inform your decisions because you're not someone who has like Consistent instincts to rely on essentially.


So you'd go back to your authority then. So that is the undefined spleen. Now we move on to the ego or the heart center. So this is that baby triangle in your chart. so some people call this a will center. Some people call this the heart center. Some people call this the ego center. I personally call it the heart center cause I think that's cute.


, but when we have an undefined. ego or heart center. These people have a, they're kind of sense of motivation and, , willpower can oscillate because this is the will, the heart and the ego center. And so something else to know is that 70 percent of people have this undefined. So most of you listening, this is going to apply to you, but basically.


Since this area is around self esteem and worthiness and, , willpower to do things, motivation. If you have undefined energy here, it can look like feeling pressured to prove yourself. It could be pressured to, show that you're worthy. Making decisions out of lack and trying to prove things constantly.


Having a low self esteem and feeling inadequate. you may overcommit and try to overachieve. , overachieved to get something done and you accept less than you deserve. And so if those signs show up for you and you have an undefined heart center, then that's just an indication that that area is potentially conditioned a little bit.


And so. if you have a healthy heart center or ego or will center, whatever you'd like to call it, signs of a healthy, undefined heart are not feeling pressured to prove yourself, not feeling pressured to complete things, not promising to things that you know that you can't complete. you're able to commit to things that are true to you, that you use your strategy and authority to decide, you know who to trust, you know how to use money or power.


I should have also mentioned that. A lot of times here, there is this energy around, , really kind of feeling the heart that people have in things. And so one of the gifts of it being undefined is really feeling like why someone has willpower, why they do certain things. You can tell when someone has a healthy self esteem or not.


And so if you have an undefined heart, that's also just one of your gifts to lean into is that. You are someone that can feel the motivation and willpower that other people carry. Now moving into the identity center, this is the diamond in the middle. And this one is all about your identity, direction, and love.


And with this one undefined, the shadow here is feeling a little bit lost, feeling lost in where you're going, who you are. , you know, what you identify with and then having it, well, we'll talk about it when it's defined in my next podcast episode, but so again, so if you are unhealthy in your undefined identity center, this is someone who sometimes doesn't trust themselves, sometimes doesn't accept themselves, sometimes attaches to things to find direction or to gain love and, sometimes can attach to the wrong people.


Sometimes there can be anxiety with feeling lost and directionless here. And so if any of those show up for you, it's a sign that there's some conditioning in that place. A healthy, undefined identity center is something that looks like embracing a fluid identity, knowing that your identity shifts. Based on your environments and the people that you're around, this area where you're able to separate your own identity from projects of other people, you're able to trust that you're divinely guided and that your strategy and authority is what will take you there to the next decision and you're able to identify, okay, Who aligns with me or not?


What groups of people do I fit in? And you just like accept the chameleon energy and you embrace it. So that's a little bit about a healthy, undefined identity. And now we move to the throat center. This is the square that's third from the bottom where literally your throat is in your body. And this is the area of communication and where we express ourselves through our voice.


And so. If you have an undefined throat center, it means that you don't have a consistent voice. And so I find people here will have the energy of kind of shifting their voice, depending on who they're around and how they communicate. And some signs of an unhealthy, undefined throat are trying to attract attention with their voice, feeling pressured to make an impression, may say the wrong things at the wrong time.


Or is fearful of communicating and some signs of a healthy, undefined throat is not feeling the need to control your voice. I'm not bothered by not having a filter, is comfortable being a listener and not always wanting to fill the room with silence. That's something I see a lot with undefined throats is like wanting to fill silence with words or noise.


The perfect example is like if you've ever been with a friend and you're out somewhere and. I, I notice this a lot in people. It drives me nuts. , and if you're listening and you're a friend of mine, I'm sorry, this drives me nuts, but I, , it's okay. People who like start to sing or hum when you're around them, when it's like quiet.


those people usually have an undefined throat because they want to fill the energy or the space with noise. And so they're like, like while they're kind of like. around you. that's some signs of an unhealthy undefined throat. So assigned again of healthy undefined throats are comfortable being a listener can adapt their communication style according to their audience.


That's one of the gifts of having an undefined throat is being able to adapt your communication to who you're around. And then we move on to the final two centers. We'll start with the mind center, oftentimes called the odds. Now this is the upside down triangle. Right above that throat center. And this is the area where our mind conceptualizes thoughts and opinions and ideas.


And when this is undefined, it means that you are someone who is able to really kind of have a different open thoughts. Like you have an open mind essentially. And so. This is a beautiful thing, but at a shadow or when it's unhealthy, you can latch onto or become overly attached to ideas and opinions of other people.


You can be uncomfortable with not being sure enough, not having a strong opinion can make you feel somewhat out of place, or you sometimes are afraid of looking dumb. And if you're healthy here, meaning you use your strategy and authority to make decisions and you release that pressure, you're very open minded and you're unafraid of uncertainty and you're comfortable with knowing, not knowing the answer and you're able to see all sides of an argument and a coin, you're someone who's like, I don't care if This is how you do things, or, or not, like, this is how I do it, and whatever.


or this is what I think, and that's fine. And oftentimes, you'll change your mind pretty often, because you don't really have fixed energy there all the time. And then finally, we end with the head center, which is the, the I almost just said the diamond, the triangle all the way up at the top. This is where we get ideas and inspiration.


And so having a undefined head just means that you're someone who's highly inspired and highly idealistic. And when this is unhealthy, there could be a lot of. pressure to find answers or solutions overwhelmed by making decisions. Trouble with trusting yourself or your intuition, , getting overly idealistic about things, searching for ideas rather than trusting the ideas just generally come to you with it being so open.


So I find people here will be like on Pinterest forever or Instagram or TikTok trying to get new ideas and, , rather than just trusting that the environment and nature brings them ideas without them even trying. So signs of a healthy undefined head are not feeling pressure or not seeking inspiration, because you know that it's going to come.


Being open to new insights and ideas and just being so inspired by the world around you and giving yourself only a few things to do on your To do list. So maybe like one or two things rather than a laundry list of all these ideas that you've gathered from searching for them again. So that is a little bit about the undefined centers.


Now, a question that I get often is like, okay, so you mentioned open and undefined. So what's the difference though? An undefined center is one that. is colored white and then it will have gates defined. So, any of the ones that you have colored white in your chart and if they have gates kind of colored in there.


So any of the numbers that have like a black little like circle around them and then a line coming out, that's an undefined center and an open center is one that has no numbers defined. So it's just like wide open. So none of the numbers or there's no lines coming out of the center and it's colored white.


So the difference is that open center is very impressionable. There's no real filter that you have and when they define. Undefined center with gates on it. You do have somewhat of a filter through the gates But that's a nuance to get into that doesn't add much to Doesn't change much about what we talked about at all it's just something to we'll talk about a little bit as we get into the the gates in a few episodes, so That is the undefined centers and signs that they're healthy or not I'd love to hear from you via Instagram DMs, which centers you have undefined and if they feel healthy to you or not.


and if you have any experiences with your undefined centers as well, again, undefined, I should also know as a generalization of open and. open centers and the undefined centers together. So I use it kind of, , interchangeably, but again, I'd love to know your experiences with them because I know I have my own experiences with my undefined throat, my undefined mind, and my undefined, , head center.


Those are the ones that I have undefined. Oh, and my undefined solar plexus, of course. And so they're the places where I have my greatest lessons and where I learned so much. And we're going to talk next episode. So next week, all about defined centers, which is basically consistent energy you have, and you can be healthy and unhealthy in your consistent centers as well.


So we'll talk about what that looks like. And we'll also talk about, some tools to work with the centers as well. And if you'd like a deep dive into all of your centers. As always, your guidebook goes over every single one that you have in great detail. It talks about the greatest lessons and so much more than what we even talked about today with journal prompts.


 and as always the course that is coming out, my human design mastery is going to go very in depth with the centers. I mean, we're going to talk about tools to support people with certain centers. We're going to talk about the biological correlation. So. For example, like your identity center. So the diamond in the middle is biologically correlated to the liver and the blood.


So we'll talk about each of these centers and how to really work with those and. In different ways, like not just practically, but also in different professions and with the centers, we're going to talk about, you know, how to, to what population percentage there are the hierarchy to the different centers.


If they're undefined,what pressure centers are, what motor centers are, how to work with. All of that. So basically all of the things and how to read these and how to know how things all kind of work together. So if that is something that sounds like fun to you, and then of course I mentioned so much about the course earlier in the episode, you should join the waitlist down below.


We start the first week in September and it'll be a six week course, and it's going to be so much fun. I'd love to have you. And of course of this episode, Was inspiring to you and you learned something. I'd love for you to share it. And if you have any feedback, feel free to send me an email. Or if you love the episode, I'd love to, have you write a review down below.


I love hearing from you guys and it just means the world to me. So thanks for listening to another episode and stay tuned next week for the defined centers. I love you and have a great day. Bye.


