EPISODE #18: How Your Personality Operates Based on Your Human Design PROFILE

In this episode, Leah dives into Human Design Profiles, aka your personality. She discusses all of the following:

04:46 Difference between Energy Type & Profile

07:54 How to find your Profile in your HD chart

08:48 What is Profile?

09:04 How to share your Human Design with others

10:54 Profile lines

12:00 Breakdown of the 6 profile lines

20:25 Breakdown of the 12 profiles

30:18 BTS of my upcoming Human Design Training

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, shares with us what your human design energy type and profile are. Then she discusses profiles in great detail and how you can use your profile to live in alignment. Profiles are synonyms with your personality and explain how you’re meant to show up in this lifetime. Check out this episode to learn all about your profile.


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Welcome back to another episode of the design of you. This is going to be a really quick episode because I actually already recorded this episode and my wonderful podcasting software that I absolutely do not recommend. I just deleted all of my audio and it's done this like five times. And I'm not one to usually.


Give a bad review. But if you have a podcast or thinking about starting one, do not use Pod Castle because it has lost my audio legitimately like several times. But anyway, I'm really excited for this episode because we're diving into profiles. And I know this is a topic that a lot of people are familiar with in human design.


So I think it'll be a lot of fun to dive into. And something else I want to talk about is the fact that after this episode goes live, this is kind of wrapping up our foundation series. So we did episodes on Human design and spirituality, what human design is made up of. We did episodes on each of the energy types, what definition is, and then profile.


This episode was actually supposed to go live before the definition episode, but it's all good. But if you want to get a deep dive into what each of those foundational pieces mean, you can listen to those episodes. Oh, and of course, I forgot to add in there the strategy and authority episodes as well.


Those are all completed for you to listen to, and I have a fun episode coming up here soon that will give you just an overview of the foundations and how to work with those. And if you don't already have a personalized guidebook, your guidebook actually goes into the foundations in part one. So if you're unfamiliar, I sell something called the Human Design Guidebook.


It's a 95 plus page booklet that is designed for you based on your human design and it gets into all of the intricacies of how you're designed, aka through your human design blueprint. So there's four parts to it. The first part is the foundations. And then the second part is all about your centers. So a little disclaimer, or I guess not disclaimer, spoiler alert, we're going to be talking about.


The center is coming up here soon as well and then part three of the guidebook gets into your gifts and purpose So we talk about your channels if you have them reflectors don't have channels Then we talk about all of the gates that you carry in your chart and then we talk about your incarnation cross which is a part of your purpose and then part four of the guidebook gets into the deeper more advanced layers like digestion your strongest sense your motivation and Your environment and your perspective or I do take the angle of the manifesting style which some people either love or hate But so that is your personalized guidebook.


And so we're kind of moving through the content in this podcast through your guidebook. So it would be really fun if you don't already have one to get yours because then you'll be able to kind of follow along and learn about your chart in a beautiful booklet that's literally over 95 pages personalized to you.


I put them together by hand. They're written by me and they're my favorite offering ever. I get the best compliments and they're so much fun. So definitely get yours gift one and don't forget that you can get 10 percent off sessions with me and you can get 10 percent off a guidebook by signing up for my newsletter.


There is not a link below typically in the show notes, but I will add one so that you can go there. You can get your, again, sign up for the newsletter and immediately you'll get an email with a 10 percent off code. So take advantage of that. And something else to note that I don't really advertise a lot, but if you've had a session with me or if you've already purchased a guidebook, you actually get a 20 percent off code, a future guidebook or a future session.


And so. If you've already worked with me in some capacity in those two offerings, check your email because you have 20 percent off that you can use that never expires as well. And again, these can be applied to gifts, gift cards, and all the things. So I will link all that below, but let's just get into profile because I think this is just one of those topics that's really fun.


and this is kind of like where your personality comes in in human design because The energy type speaks directly to, you know, how your energy works and what that feels like in your aura. So, something that I like to say a lot when I talk about energy type, In the difference between that and profile is that your energy type is kind of like it's the energy that you can feel.


So the example I give is basically if I were to close my eyes and two generators and a projector walked into the room, I would close my eyes and I would feel the generators perhaps the same. Their energy would be very similar and that I maybe would feel that projector differently because that's their their aura, the energy that they carries a lot different than it.


The generators. And then I could open my eyes and I could see that the generators are very different people with very different personalities. So we can't really look at energy type and fit ourselves into a box with energy type as like some personality tree. Of course, there's like, you know, characteristics like projectors need a lot more rest.


So there's, you know, jokes about projectors liking to take naps or reflectors liking to take naps as well. And, you know, generator seemingly having all this crazy energy or manifesting generators. Our people who have lots of different passions and lots of different things that they have their hands in at all times.


And, you know, so those can be characteristics. But overall, when we talk about energy type, we're speaking to how the energy really operates and feels. But what's fun about profile is again. So if I had two generators and a projector in the room, those generators, even though they might feel the same energetically.


They might be very different people and have very different personality types, and then the projector might perhaps be very similar to one of the generators. And so a lot of times when we get into any of these systems, it can be confusing without knowing all of the layers to it because there's nuances.


Like you can learn about your type and then you could be like, yeah, I don't resonate with that. And that could be because there's all sorts of layers underneath that, that add to the person that makes you, you. Every human is. Very complex. Human design is a science of differentiation, aka the science of what makes us all different.


So, we, it's hard to fit ourselves into these boxes. It's more so a synthesis of all of it. So again, the projector and the generator, perhaps they have the same profile. And so when I open my eyes and look at them, I'm like, oh, okay, they're very similar. Their personalities might be, you know, the same. So that is a little bit about how the difference between profile and your energy type works.


And I guess I should say, because I haven't yet, What is your profile? What am I even talking about? If you're unfamiliar, this is that two number combination. So oftentimes when people share their human design, I'll give mine for an example, I would say something like, I'm a 5 1 sacral generator. So it's basically saying your profile, then getting into your authority, and then your type.


I could also say I'm a 5 1 pure generator because Since I'm a sacral generator, I'm a pure generator because I have instant access to that gut, which is what basically makes me a generator. And so this two number combination is what we're going to dive into in this episode. And so I'm going to start with basically how to find this.


 So you can look up your chart. You can look in your guidebook. If you have one, any chart generating software, I'll link mine below in the show notes. So you can get your free chart. And basically it'll say this two number combination. So there's 12 different ones. So you can be a 1/3. You can be a 1/4, you can be a 2/4, you can be a 2/5, a 3/5, 3/6, 4/1, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, or 6/3.


So that is that number combination. But instead of me getting into the details, Right now about each of the 12 profiles, I'm actually going to talk about the numbers within them, which are actually called lines. And so where you find your profile and what lines or numbers you have is basically if you were to look at your chart again, if you look up your chart on a chart software, it's going to be listed next to it on most softwares.


I would say if not all of them, it will say, you know what your energy type is, your strategy authority. Signature, not self theme, and then it'll have, you know, profile, and it'll list this number, these two numbers, this like fraction. But if you wanted to look within your chart, where you would look is actually in your sun gate.


So, if you were to pull up your body graph, you'll see that there's two columns on either side of your body graph. And there is a design or subconscious or unconscious column, different language for that column. And then there is on the right hand side a conscious or personality. side of your chart and basically where I'm looking is the top little rectangle or square and it will have a sun symbol and then it will have a number and then a decimal point and then a number after that.


And so where we find our profile is actually by looking at the numbers behind that decimal point, which are actually called lines. So we actually start on the right hand side. So we look at the conscious or personality sun gate. And so in my chart, for example, if you wanted to use me as an example, you could, you can look at my chart on my, it's on my website, it's in my, , like a highlight on my page, I think I have a pin post with my chart listed as well, but basically in my chart, my conscious son is in gate 1.


5. So if you serve that little five that comes after the decimal point, that's the first number in my profile. I'm a five one just to give you insight. So I'm a 5/1, the 5 comes from the decimal point in my conscious or personality sungate, the decimal point. And then you get the second number by looking at your design or unconscious or subconscious sungate.


And so my unconscious sungate is in 4/1. And so again, I take the number after the decimal point. So it's kind of like you're. So it's basically your conscious son line over your unconscious son line, if that makes sense. But basically it will be listed too if that's too confusing for you. So essentially what we're looking at here is we're finding that two number combination, but something to know is that those numbers will be one through six.


So there's 12 profile combinations in total that are made up of those two numbers, but the numbers within those are one through six. So there's line one, line two, line three, line four, line five, line six. If I'm losing you here, then I'm going to start moving into something a little bit more digestible.


So this isn't so confusing, if you take my human design training, my course that's coming up, this will all be broken down. It will be a lot. easier to digest than maybe listening. Some of us are listeners. Some of us learn visually. I'm certainly a visual learner. So even me speaking this to you guys, I'm like, okay, is this getting confusing?


So basically what we're looking at is again, those two numbers. And so I'm a five, one, you can be any of the combinations, like a one, three, one, four, six, two, six, three. the different combinations. but basically each of the lines or the numbers within the profile has its own sort of characteristic. And so I'm going to go through each of the characteristics of the lines and I'll talk about which profiles have each of those so that you have insight into if this one applies to you or not.


So, if you have a 1 in your profile, so basically you would be a 1/3, a 1/4, a 4/1, or a 5/1, this applies to you. And basically, so the lined 1 is called the investigator, and the energy that you get from the investigator is exactly what it sounds like. People here are really into Googling, really into research, they like to have a strong foundation of knowledge.


There are people who like to lean on their expertise. Actually, we can lean on our profile in general to market ourselves. And so if you have a 1 in your profile, the way that you would market yourself is by really leaning on your expertise and the knowledge that you have. To give you guys a little hint, why I'm doing this educational series is because I have a 1 in my profile and I really like to educate is what I've been learning.


And so I, naturally, this is just coming through me, this frequency does. So if you are a one line, you may find that you're just really into looking up knowledge, again, studying, researching, investigating. There's also introverted energy that comes with the one, where these people like to, you know, go into a little bit of like an information cave, as I like to say, or study cave and just kind of learn everything they can about subjects that they're interested in.


And so If you have a one in your profile, that you carry this investigator energy. If you have a two in your profile, so we're talking about line twos now, so this would be anyone with the profiles of a 2/4, a 2/5, a 5/2, or a 6/2. The line two is the hermit, and this is very introverted energy, where these people, they like to, you know, shy away, go into their shells sometimes.


They are very introverted, and the one thing about being a two is that they're very talented and a lot of times unaware of their talents. And so the two energy really brings this energy of just introvertedness and, you know, wanting to kind of hone in on their gifts, and a lot of times being unaware of their gifts until people remind them of them.


And then the line three is next. So the line three is the martyr. And if you have this in your profile, you would be either a 1/3, a 6, or a 6/3. And The Martyr is all about experience, and trial and error, and making mistakes. So if you have this in your profile, you're probably someone who makes a lot of mistakes, but in the best way.


I always joke that threes learn the hard way, but It's kind of like in the way where they're on this roller coaster that is kind of chaotic at times, but it's a roller coaster ride that they don't want to get off. It's like, this is the ride that they're meant for and that's how they learn. So instead of being someone like a one line who likes to do research.


Again, caveat, if you're 1/3, you might actually love research and have this, you know, experience part of you too. But these are people who like to just get their, you know, get their feet wet, get their hands dirty, really get into whatever it is through experience. They don't want to read about it so much.


They want to really just learn through doing. And so I find people here really into adventure and again, trial and error, learning from their mistakes. Okay, so now moving into line four, which is the opportunist. If you have a 4 in your profile, you'll either be a 1/4, you'll be a 4/1, or a 4/6. And so basically, the 4 energy is all about being an opportunist, and these people are very friendly, networkers, connectors at heart.


And so if you have this in your profile, you may find that you Have a job through people that you know, these are people who it's really important for them to lead on their network, make connections, the four energy is again, like someone who sees opportunity in everything that they do. So, these people are usually like the king or queen of their circle of friends, people that bring everyone together.


And that is just how the four energy works. And then we move into line 5, which is the Heretic, or the Hero, or the Savior. If this is in your profile, you'll either be a 2/5, 1, or a 5/2. And basically the energy of line 5 is This hero, , service oriented leader energy people here are, they want to lead, they want to serve others.


They have a desire to help. The one thing to know about anyone with a line five is that there is a projection field that can happen with the five energy. I should have also mentioned that with the line to line twos also have a projection field. It's a little bit different from the five though. The projection field that happens with the line to just to go backwards a little bit is that yeah.


The Line 2 energy projection field is usually around people not understanding that these people like to, you know, go into their shell and so they can project onto them of like, you know, why aren't they around us? Or why are they kind of, you know, in their own, You know, why are they kind of going into their shell?


Why are they needing that alone time? The projection field that happens with a 5 is a little bit different, where these people will be projected onto based on how they can help others. So people will place expectations on anyone who has a 5 in their profile. So a great example in my personal life, because I'm a 5/1 is that people will place expectations on what you can provide for them or what you're going to do for them.


And A lot of times it can be a good thing because people will see you as someone who is going to save the day, is naturally there to solve problems and help you, which is beautiful for people on the five because there's not much that they have to sell or do or say to convince other people that you know, they want to help them and that they can help them.


But if there is not clear boundaries or clear understanding of how a five is going to help someone, There can be a projection that can happen. It's like literally like being burned at the stake where if for whatever reason you don't follow through on some expectation that someone else placed on the person that has the five, then you know, the person that placed that expectation will kind of burn them at the stake and get really upset.


And so if you have a five in your profile, it's really important that you have clear boundaries and clear expectations on what you plan to do and help with. The next line that we're going to get into is line six, which is the role model. If you have a 6 in your profile, you are either going to be a 3/6, a 4/6, a 6/2, or a 6/3.


And what you need to know about being a 6 is that first and foremost, anyone with a 6 in their profile actually goes through being a 3. So the martyr that we talked about a little bit ago, the first 30 years of their life. So if you have a six in your profile, know that the first 30 years of your life are meant to be operated more of that, like trial and error, making mistakes, rollercoaster ride, martyr energy.


And then after the age of 30, actually after your Saturn return, you enter into this phase of basically integrating all of the experiences of what you experienced as sort of a three. in the first 30 years and you go through the second base from 30 to 50 where it's like, okay, taking those experiences and integrating them into your life to form wisdom.


And then the final stage of a six's life is after the age of 50, where at the age of 50, you really start to thrive and hit your prime. And not to say that you can't thrive before, but it's just that it gets better. I always say that line six. Or anyone with a six in their profile, they age like fine wine, it gets better and they really start to step into that role model energy.


So that final phase is people seeing your experiences, seeing the wisdom that you've gained as you integrated those experiences. And then also seeing how you serve as a role model and you really don't care about experiences. The older that you get, you, you more so are interested in integrating and becoming that wise sage.


Now if you have a, if you are a 3, you might notice. Kind of both things happening because you'll always have some of that three energy with also that integration So that is something to note, but that is how the six energy operates So those actually are all of the profile lines and again, they make up 12 profiles So now let's go through each of the 12 profiles together So the first profile is the one three, which I call the researcher of truth And so this is someone that takes the energy of the One, which is very investigative, and then takes that with the energy of the Three, which is very much trial and error energy, that martyr energy.


And so, what I find with One Threes is that they're usually pretty spiritual. They're people that, they want to get to the truth of things, they want to get to the bottom of things. You can't lie to them. They're incredibly skeptical. And One Threes are people who, they really just want to understand, you know, why are we here?


And so they take Not only the research that they naturally do, but they also take their life experience to really understand things. The second profile is the 1/4. This is what I call the omniscient teacher. And this is someone that takes all the knowledge that they've gained through that investigative one line energy.


And then ties that to the four opportunist networker energy and becomes someone who takes that knowledge and then shares that with their community. And so there's someone that teaches people through their knowledge and their expertise and what's to network and share with others. And then the two four, I call this the introverted extrovert, which I feel like every time I say that the two fours are like, Oh, M. G.


That's totally me. because it takes that hermit energy and then it also takes the complete opposite of that, which is the four energy of being a networker and an opportunist. So these people are. People who they need lots of alone time, but they also need lots of time with friends and connecting with others.


And so for them, it's about kind of balancing this energy of, okay, being alone, but then also, you know, having a life that's so exciting and, you know, circles of friends that are so exciting that will kind of pull them out of that shell to, you know, take them to the next opportunity. And then after they've been, you know, out and about networking, connecting, being in their community, then they find a That they kind of then need alone time, so then they also have a life where it's like, okay, now I need to go integrate all of, you know, the connections that I've made and what I've learned.


And so that's how the 2 4 works. The next profile is a 2/5. I call this the reluctant hero. This is someone that also has that hermit energy, but then also has this desire to help people. And so they want to, they want to serve. And, you know, these people are also pretty introverted because the two five is someone who, you know, likes to be alone.


They can also have a lot of projections happen with being a two five as well. So I find that people here, you know, they need lots of alone time. They also need, To help others on their own time when it feels best for them. They're usually unaware of their gifts. And so it's always interesting to tell a 2/5, you know, like, what are you really good at?


And ask them. And a lot of times they're not sure, but then, you know, have them, I always give anyone with the 2/5 or a 5/2, which we'll get into later, you know, some homework to ask people in their lives, you know, what are my greatest gifts? Because sometimes they're so unaware of them and it's cool to see, you know, what are the projections that people could have either positively, you know, or negatively on them.


To see, you know, what am I really good at and so they're usually reluctant to be heroes, but they naturally are someone that could just come in and save the day when it feels good for them. The next one is the three five, which I call the experienced hero, and this is someone who takes all of their experiences that they had as a three and then also helps people through those experiences.


The next one is a three six. This is the philosophical adventure. This is someone who has, you know, lots of experiences as a three, lots of trial and error, making mistakes. And then they see themselves as kind of in this place of making mistakes. And then other people tend to see them as a role model and someone who has really done a lot and has learned a lot.


And so these people are, you know, they're, they like adventure, but they're also very philosophical. And then the next one is the four one. This is what I call the genius friend. This is someone who loves connection, loves networking, loves their circle of people, and then also loves to, you know, share their knowledge.


Similar to the 1/4, it's just different placements where, you know, this person really sees themselves as that networker, whereas like a 1/4 sees himself more as like that person. someone who loves all that knowledge and that investigative researcher energy. And this person's like, you know, I'm, I'm everyone's friend.


And then also, like, wants to know all the details. And other people see them as someone who's, like, diving in, wants to understand things, wants to research. You know, this might be the person that, like, leaves, you know, in dinner conversation is, like, you know, Googling everything. That people talked about fact checking things, but something to note with a 4 1 is that all 4 1s actually have a fixed life path, which is something that we talk about in the Incarnation Cross.


And something if you didn't know is that your Incarnation Cross actually draws on your human design profile. But the thing about being a 4/1 is that they have this fixed life path. And so if you're a 4/1 listening, or if you know a 4/1, you'll find that no matter what you do, they'll always get back to the place that they're meant to be.


A really great example is Tom Brady, , he is a 4/1 and, you know, we, we've witnessed and, okay, I'm, I'm honestly speaking here from very, very basic general knowledge because I know legitimately nothing about football, but something to know about him being a 4/1 is like he was gonna, he's gonna, you know, if you play football, Play football?


Is that even what you say? He's gonna, he's gonna do football. And him being pulled off of that, whether by, you know, his ex wife Giselle or the media or whatever else, it's like he kept trying to quit football and then he kept going back to it. So it's interesting to witness four ones because a lot of times you'll see them go through that where they'll get pulled off their life path and then they immediately will You don't have to get back on the path that they're meant for.


And so that is something to note about a 4/1. The next profile is a 4/6. I call this the influencer. I call it the influencer because they have that, you know, networker opportunist energy that the 4 carries that they're really tapped into. They're very friendly. But then they also have the sixth energy, which is all about being a, you know, role model, someone who goes through those three phases in life, but, you know, makes those mistakes, but then also learns from those mistakes and serves as a role model for people.


So if you're taking that, like, networker energy and you're also a role model, it's like, there's lots of influence that can happen from these people. The next is the five one. I call this the unique savior. This is someone who really is in touch with their desire to help people, really in touch with their desire to serve.


And help others. They definitely need to be careful of how much they do, you know, want to help and be very clear about how they're going to help because they do, you know, have a five in their profile, which is there again, there's that projection that can happen. And they also are here to solve problems.


You know, they're really into research. And a lot of times people see them as people who like dive into all the things, dive into all the research. And so these people are here to solve problems and they're here to. You know, be unique and be a leader and, you know, kind of save the day and their own unique way the five two This is a self motivated hero.


That's what I call it This is someone who has that desire that they're really tapped into to help others as well be that leader But then also, you know A lot of people see them as someone who's a little bit introverted and you know May not recognize how they're going to help them until they really get to know them on a personal level So these people have to find a balance between okay, I'm gonna help people but I also need to you know Give myself alone time and space And then the next profile is a 6/2 These people are the talented role model.


They're someone who has that energy of, again, those three phases in life where they go through that trial and error and then they become those role models and You know, they're really talented and they may be unaware of the talents that they've gained throughout their life because of having the two energy, but you know, they have to find this balance between being a role model and using their wisdom to help and, you know, take forward society, but also, you know, giving themselves a space to integrate and find those lessons through their experiences.


The next one is the 6/3. I call this the Thrill Seeking Sage, and again, it's like the sixth placement that we've been talking about, where it's kind of coming first, where this is the one they're really tapped into, but then they have this fun little energy where other people see them as the three, so that trial and error and barter energy is very much the placement of, this is what people see them as all the time, is someone who's just like, Figuring it out, you know, trial and error on like learning the hard way, kind of chaotic.


But, you know, there's someone who's like, you know, I am maybe chaotic, but the older that they get, they're like, I'm learning lessons and I am here to help you. And so it's kind of funny because they, it's kind of the opposite, exact opposite of the three six where, you know, people see a three six as someone who is going to help them through their experiences.


And people see a six three as someone who. Is like, I don't know what they're going to help me with, but I can tell they have a desire to help, but I don't know, they kind of seem all over the place. So they're kind of like these thrill seekers, but they also help people through all of their adventures and, and thrills.


So those are all of the profiles and a little bit of a description on each of those. And I will just leave it there. If you'd like to dive into your profile a little bit deeper, I have several offerings. So first and foremost, your personalized guidebook that we talked about in the beginning. There's a whole page dedicated to your profile.


There's two pages actually dedicated to it. So if you don't have your guidebook, grab one because it gets into, I mean, not only your profile, all the areas you'd like to talk about your profile. I am still offering one on one readings, and I think I recently announced in my email, I don't know, in all the places, Instagram, perhaps on my podcast that I'm going to be most likely closing readings here soon.


I just increased. My reading prices just for the next couple months as I am lowering the frequency of which I'm doing them. And that way I can focus on my course, which you guys probably are going to hear a little bit more about in all of the episodes and all the things that I'm doing. But basically I'm launching my first ever human design training and I cannot tell you guys enough how excited I am to finally teachin this way.


So basically I'm going to be teaching as a group, in a live six week course, but then also there will be a self paced version. If you join the waitlist below, you'll get access to early bird pricing, which will be literally the cheapest the course will ever be offered ever. So if you get on that waitlist, you'll have a chance to join the course.


Earlier than everyone else at the early bird pricing. And then, that will go up to normal pricing and stay that way pretty much indefinitely. But if you join the live version, you'll have access to the self paced course that will be available shortly after the six weeks. And the other thing that I'm excited about is that if you're in my mentorship, you'll be a part of this as well.


So you don't have to do anything. You'll have access to this program forever. And it's really going to be the most in depth program. I think you'll ever take in human design. I have done so much research and I've taken so many courses in human design and I'm really excited to finally offer an in depth course into, into my approach on human design.


And you know, something that I'm excited about is I'm not just going to give you, you know, the descriptions of each of the 64 gates. We're going to get into the lines of each gate. We're going to talk about planetary aspects. We're going to talk about your incarnation cross, how to apply that in your life.


This is going to be a very holistic view at human design and a very embodied view at human design. So I'm going to teach you how to integrate this into a current business that you have. There's a whole section on analyzing charts. We're going to get into relationship charts, how to work with wealth and money and abundance within a human design chart.


We're going to get into parenting by design, living your design, movement exercise by design. I mean, there's literally, it's going to cover everything that you can ever imagine. podcast episode a couple weeks ago that like I'm legitimately going through Every question that I've ever received on human design in readings that I've had, in emails that you sent me, in my weekly Q& A that I do on Instagram, and I'm making sure that all of the pieces and parts are covered in every nuance possible.


And you know, in this group program, there's going to be a community portal for you to continue to ask me questions. And interact with other people going through this learning and this, or this program with you, this learning. And so yeah, I'm very excited for this program. I can't tell you guys enough how ready I am to finally step into being a full blown teacher.


I've been a mentor. A lot of times I'm like, what language do I use? Because I feel like I'm a coach, I feel like I'm a guide, I feel like I'm a leader, I feel like I'm a mentor. I, and I'm a teacher, like, I guess the language doesn't really make sense, but I've been mentoring people one on one learning human design, which is like me mentoring you.


And I feel like a coach is more of like someone who coaches you through things. So I've done that as well through the group, the method and some of my other programs, but now I'm really teaching. So this is fun for me as a five one. This is something that I really desire to. To do. And so I'd love to have you join us.


The wait list is below and you'll be learning all about profile, of course, in this program. So those are all the ways you can tap into your profile. And of course, on Instagram, I have fun little reminders and inspo for your profile too. But this concludes this episode. If this was exciting for you, if you learn something new, I'd love for you to send it over to a friend so they can learn more about their human design profile and their personality.


Cause it really profiles our personality and our archetype in life. So I'd love for you to share that with them and to also rate and review this episode. If you're on Apple, you can scroll down and you'll hit the five star and then there's a button to write a review. I'd love if you wrote something in there that seriously means the world to me.


You have no idea. And if there's something you'd like to hear or something that you don't like, I'd love for you to just take the time to send me a DM and let me know what you'd like to hear. Or if there's something different that you'd. You don't want to learn about or that you'd like to, you know, have me do.


I don't know if there's any feedback. I'd love feedback is literally my favorite thing in the world because I want to, you know, make things the best for you. And if you're on Spotify, you can only do a five star review. They don't let you write one, which is weird, but I'd love for you to rate me there as well.


So thank you so much for taking the time to do that. And I will catch you guys in the next episode. Next week and all the episodes after that. We have so much fun stuff planned with lots of guests and lots of Deep dives into human design and spirituality. So stay tuned and I love you guys. Thank you so much Bye.


