The Design Of You

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How to Use Human Design for Shadow Work + Q&A

EPISODE #42: How to use human design for shadow work + q&a

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In this episode, Leah shares with us how we can use our Human Design to do shadow work. She discusses all of the following:

02:41 Life Updates 

07:03 Q&A

33:22 What is shadow work?

34:15 How you can use your human design to identify shadows

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, discusses how she has used her human design type to do shadow work and how you can too. She explains how to identify shadows in all of your centers and what will show up for you with your not-self theme and gates. Leah also does a Q&A where she answers all of your questions about human design, her life, & more.


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Shadow work is very transformative. It is a process that encourages individuals to confront and embrace parts of themselves, leading to a more holistic and balanced sense of self. And so what does this have to do with human design? And my answer is that you can combine the insights from human design with the practices or the insights of shadow work. So you can understand the hidden parts of yourself and what your shadows could potentially be. 


Hello everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the design of you. I am bringing this episode to you guys. Without any video. So if you are regularly tuning into the podcast via YouTube, I apologize. I have just had a trillion things going on. And so I am deciding to do some more audio based pod Well, all podcasts are audio based, but I'm doing less video ones. For the time being so that way I can get these babies out into the world as easily and as quickly as possible because fun little fact about video podcasting is that it requires a lot of production in terms of Getting the video done at in the right amount of time also like taking the video You guys don't care about any of this.


I'm just telling you the b the bts the behind the scenes , but it requires me to of course get ready sit down get the camera situated You Charge the camera, you know, plug in all the different cords and then get the batteries and the audio and literally so many things and so I realized i've been i've been feeling a little bit of a block with the podcast And I think it's because it's just like the video piece. So that's something , I think I've talked about that a little bit before, but we want to definitely do that as something in the future for most episodes, just because I know that you guys like to watch it. I know that I personally like to watch podcasts. So yes, , we will absolutely be bringing that back.


But I, if I sound different and if that's what you're looking forward to, I just wanted to start off by saying that is why I am here. not, , or that's, this is why I don't have the video. Okay, but I'm actually very excited for today's episode. We're going to be talking a lot about shadow work in human design and how to actually use human design for shadow work. I've actually never talked about this before, so I'm very excited to bring this to you guys. Before I dive in, I want to just provide some little updates. First of all, I had such an amazing response back from. Last week's episode on how I created my dream life and , specifically in that episode at the end. I asked you guys If you would be interested in me putting together some sort of offering or course or something related to that topic and Lots of you guys were very interested in that. So I am happy to officially announce on the podcast. The podcast always feels like a soft launch for me because I, I feel like my Instagram is a hard launch, but then again, I know that so many of you guys are tuned in here and Instagram is definitely an afterthought.


So I don't know which comes first. Maybe the email is the hard launch and I haven't talked about it. Well, actually, no, I did send an email with it in there the other day. So anyway, regardless, what I'm trying to say is that I, , Essentially am going to be putting something together for you guys And if you are interested, there is a form down below I would love for you to fill that out to let me know that you guys are interested Basically, you just hit that and then you just put your name in your email. I will not be sending you a million emails like from you putting your name in there the purpose of that is to get a number of just understand how many people are interested in something like this and and So that way when we create an offering that you guys are the first to know. So that is, that is what we're going to be doing.


So we're going to be coming out with something that is related to using human design to create your dream life. Because that's really what I was able to do. And I really just want to bring this to you guys so you can do the exact same thing that I was able to do. But utilizing your own design your own mechanics in your own way I think that the next way to give you guys some personal updates is just to Go through a q a i did an instagram a few weeks ago I have been using my personal account a little bit more i've been going back and forth on like what i'm doing with my instagram So if you're ever confused like where to follow me if you're like interested in seeing what I do day to day I apologize for that. I have just been moving through like what i'm trying to You I don't know how much to say here because I don't feel like fully formed thoughts and like packaged well enough to share exactly what I mean by that, but, , essentially, I guess what I can say is that I've been trying to show up in a little bit more personal ways, and I've been feeling this, like, I don't know, I guess friction in terms of where I want to do that.


So I think for a while I was sharing so much on my personal account, which is at Leah McCloud. I'll link it down below. And then I was sharing so little on the design of you and I felt like I should probably share more on the design of you and, , you know, less on my personal account, but then it just felt like weird. Like, for example, we are at a barbecue with some friends and then I'm like sharing my. photos of my dog and my friends on my, the design of you page, which I think some of you guys like, but then it was, I don't know. I just, I, that felt like just more personal stuff. And then I had a friend who was like, I want to tag you in this, this story.


Which one do I tag you? Like, what Instagram are you using? And I was like, I don't really know right now because my business coach really wants me to show up in more personal ways on the design of you. And I want to show up in more personal ways online in general. And so we, I've been navigating how that's, how that's It's going to, how I'm like, I guess doing so, but ultimately I'm feeling a disconnect with sharing a lot of my personal life on the design of you, not because I don't want to share personally, but because like, if you guys want to know about me, just follow my personal page because I am not just a human design educator. I'm so much more than human design. And so I would love to share with you guys more about, you know, myself personally. In my, on my personal page with my name attached to it. So, , yeah, that's more to come. I think I'm going to start sharing a lot more on, yeah, my personal account and keeping the design of you very much this place to learn about human design, which is what I initially wanted to do.


And I think , I was like letting, uh,,, anytime you work with coaches, it's so important to put what they tell you in your own sort of system. And I think I was not doing, so I was trying to kind of follow what they were telling me and take their advice. But ultimately like this just makes the most sense for me. And I'll always collaborate a story or something or a post whenever it makes sense from both pages. So those of you that tune into me in both ways, , that's what you can look forward to. But really why I'm saying this is just because I, so I did this Q and A on actually both of my Instagrams. I had a ton of human design questions come through on the, the, the design of you. I don't know why that was so hard to say. And then, , I had a ton of obviously personal questions come through on my. So I'm actually going to do just a mix of both here and just share with you guys what's kind of going on. So one of the first questions that I got, which, this is just cute. One of our friends, JB, he's a good friend of Zander and I.


He actually asked, tell us something funny about Zander. And I didn't tell, , anything funny about him because I couldn't come up with anything or I couldn't think of anything. And so I ended up just sharing something that I think is kind of funny. About just our relationship and , so those of you that have maybe I think i've talked about this on the podcast before I definitely will do an entire episode On how I manifested You know my relationship. I have a I feel as if I have a very amazing relationship. I'm truly grateful for my partner He's awesome And I and I love you know, the way that we just we just work we operate we just are what we just work well together and so What? You know, one of the things that's really funny about how we met is we met through a mutual friend in 2019, but we actually have found out that we have actually been at the same place at the same time in so many different moments prior to us officially meeting.


So there's literally, the funny thing is like there is a group photo that Zander's in from like 2015 that I literally took. Of this group of guys at this party in college and, , we still didn't cross paths until 2019. And so it's so funny. We'll always like, have these, I know we'll be talking about things like he, where I went to college, he's visited a few times and. He was friends with guys in the fraternity that I hung around with. And then he was at one of their parties that I was at. And so there's so many moments that we were literally at the exact same place at the exact same time. And so I shared that on my story and a lot of you thought that was really cute. And , so if you're single and needing some encouragement, You may have already crossed paths with the person you're meant to be with and I shared on Instagram, I just think that's such a beautiful thought to carry and to have and so always know that things are in divine timing because if we would have met any other time prior to when we did, we just wouldn't have worked out because I'm, I'm was always in long term relationships and , yeah.


Also, , not only that, I would have been in the wrong mindset, or he definitely would have been in the wrong mindset, and we just wouldn't have worked. The other thing that you guys asked me is, , someone was like, I don't know if this is weird, but I love what's in your fridge videos, and I feel like you would have a good one. So I walked through everything that's in my fridge so I can't obviously show you guys this so you can go on my Instagram I did save this to a highlight on my personal Instagram called wellness And just to give you guys the highlight. I I mean my fridge is very much a lot of Fruits and veggies. I mean I go to the store once or twice Actually, probably like three or four times a week. I'm constantly at the grocery store. I mean some call outs here We've got like some olipop. I literally haven't pulled up on my phone some cottage cheese kimchi olipop You We've got Greek yogurts, we've got berries, we've got a million jars of pickles, various vitamins, aloe, juice, a ton of celery because I make celery juice daily.


We've got, yeah, just fruits, veg, sooja, we've got probiotics, pea pollen, almond milk, all the plant milks, and all, I have whole milk as well. I ain't got no type , and Yeah, lots of condiments. I have, , you know, lots of, little health things. I have moon water in my fridge, all the things. So that was in my fridge. And then of course my freezer has like dog food and I get butcher box sent to me, which I adore. I love my butcher box. That is all organic grass fed grass finished meats. And so we do that. My freezer is full of fresh or not berries, but frozen berries, cauliflower rice, cauliflower, no key frozen rice. Yeah, just I mean lots of meats and just frozen veggies So that is what is in my fridge if you'd like a visual of this with To see exactly what it looks like if you're like me and you like visuals You'll want to you can go check that out But , there was that then I then people proceeded to ask me what I what do I use moon water for?


Maybe I'll talk about like moon rituals at some point on the podcast, but essentially moon water is basically like setting a glass jar out during a lunar event like eclipse, a new moon, full moon, and letting the energy absorb the water. It's basically just a ritual that you can do to grab the energy of what's happening cosmically and then using that to your benefit later. And why we use water is because water holds energy, emotion, memories, and Fun little fact, psychic mediumship stuff. If you, , are near water, you're more likely to have connection to past loved ones. So that's why jumping in water is so cleansing. It feels so good. And, , , the moon water that I have is from a 2017 eclipse that I've just had for a while. And I just take little sips of it here and there. And yeah, that's it. That's kind of it. , maybe I'll turn it into like a room spray soon or something to just like freshen up the space before I, I work or yeah, do a ritual or something. My beautiful assistant Jolene asked me what's giving you energy lately.


And , so I have an announcement to make. Maybe I talked about this last week, but I'm doing a whole health protocol with Kale Diagnostics. I will absolutely be doing a podcast episode dedicated to this at some point. , essentially. I partnered with them. This is a really cool opportunity for me. I'm so excited. It's something that I truly did manifest. And, , I'm just so thankful my friend Sarah, she really got me hooked up here. And so, , yeah, , I'm just so excited. And essentially what this is, is so this company Kale Diagnostics, I'm working with them to get a really deep root cause approach into my health.


And if you're wondering, like, well, why? Like, what is going on? Like, why do you need help with your health? So, I don't know that I've shared this, but I think I have here and there. I mean, I'll just tell you guys all of it. Like, I've been struggling with weight stagnation and brain fog and Blow and some also just like cycle changes in my you know, my my period and it's been really really hard for me. I don't want to dive into it too deep because I think i'll get a little emotional but as you guys know, i'm incredibly healthy as a person. I prioritize my health above anything And I eat very well. I I I do all the things, you know And I have been doing all the things and somehow all of a sudden I'm like putting on weight and it's not, I'm not being able to lose weight.


I've been feeling very stagnant in my weight. , no matter if I do Pilates five days a week, walk 10k steps, run, like it feels like nothing's really helping. And, That's just really frustrating and I'm sure some of you guys have gone through this before because I think this can happen specifically to women And so i'm just ready to figure out what the fuck's going on if i'm being honest I I this kind of began when I got off birth control in 2021 And yeah, I got off birth control and you know, I was on birth control for like 12 years And everything was fine, you know with my cycle for a while But now I am just having some like weird things. When I did 75 hard, my period changed during that process, not for the good. And, , my period has like been kind of weird since 75 hard. And yeah, I just don't know what to do for like what's going on at this point. Cause, Yeah, I'm going to, what I have started to add in is I started doing weekly infrared sauna about two months, starting about like a month and a half, maybe two months ago.


I've been doing that on a weekly basis, which is amazing for, I just, I live for the infrared sauna. I think it's one of the most incredible things in the world. I have been prioritizing walks every day. In this month, I kind of walked into May saying I'm taking care of myself. I've been going to therapy. I'm journaling. I've been doing a I'm doing superhuman, , like daily superhuman walks. I did one today for like an hour and a half. I just walked and walked and walked and talked about my future self and , , I've been sleeping in a little bit more trying to give myself more rest for Potential cortisol things that I think potentially are going on , i've been limiting my social media use like literally making myself feel better.


I got my hair done. I've been self tanning I've been doing gua sha. I've been getting my massages, which I do every month, but i've been like really i've been truly trying to Take care of myself in the best way this past month, but I've been doing a lot of things to take care of myself prior to this. And so, yeah, I'm working with kill diagnostics and we are doing a root cause approach and I will share more when I have more details right now. I had my first call with my practitioner recently. And I did lots of questionnaires and they're going to be sending me some tests that I have to take like a GI map test. We'll be doing like, I think, a mineral test, a GI map test, a full function thyroid panel, , like all sorts of things. And we'll be retesting and trying new things.


And so I'm just really excited to have someone take a deeper look at my body. I feel like this is the last piece of my deconditioning cycle. Deconditioning, if you're not familiar, in human design we talk a lot about this, but it's also just like a general term in life. But deconditioning is simply like, how can I get rid of the things that are, that are not me? And so I think that as I've gone through my deconditioning journey and really listening to my body and my gut. I think that there is still more work to be done. And I think this is a big piece of my deconditioning journey, because this is the one thing that isn't changing. And it might be a health thing that is caused from the conditioning that I experienced in the past. I don't know. I'm working on all of that right now, literally working on every single angle of this, , sort of health bucket. And I'm really excited because I love going on health journeys and I am just ready to feel better and feel like I'm ready to bask in the fruits of my labor. , and to, yeah, just like get back to a place of flow because that's where I was with my body for a long time.


Then all of a sudden this past year it just feels like that's been gone and it just sucks, you know? So yeah, that's, that's that. Someone asked me if I have any fun summer plans. Yes, my summer is very busy. We're jam packed with fun things coming up. I'm going to Railbird Festival, , the first weekend in June. Going to see some of my favorites like Hozier, Lord Huron, Chris Stapleton, Turnpike Troubadours. I'm getting certified in singing. sound healing, which I'm so freaking stoked about. I love playing my sound bowls and I don't have any plans for that. I just am so excited. That's kind of like the psychic mediumship journey I went on.


I'm just letting myself follow my gut and see where like the little things that I'm interested in and just exploring them a little bit deeper. So I'm very excited for that. I have some family visiting. My mom and my grandma are coming out. I'm very excited to see them. I'm going to Buckeye Country Superfest to see my all time favorite, who is Zach Bryan, and also Turnpike Troubadours again. and we're going with a bunch of friends, so I'm super stoked for that. And I'm launching a new course or something, definitely a course, , and some other things in my business, as I talked about at the beginning of this. I am going on a solo writer's retreat. So if you guys didn't know, I'm writing a human design book with Chronicle and I'm very excited about it. And to just get this in the works, I am taking myself on a retreat at the end of July and I'm going to write it all alone in the desert, going to Arizona, which is probably the worst time in the world to go to Phoenix or Scottsdale because it's going to be the hot as hell at the end of July, but I'm very excited to go.


And yeah, just like have a moment to myself. I hate flying and even bought a flight. I'm like, get me on a 45 minute flight from Newport to, , to Scottsdale and let's just chill. I'm going to do all the like healing things while I'm there. And you know, I'm going home for a wedding on my Instagram, by the way, I can share this officially. I said, I'm going over a wedding and something else that I can't share. And the other thing that I can't share that I can now share is that my sister's pregnant. So I'm going to be an aunt again. I already have a niece and a nephew, but that's from one of my oldest sister and then my, My middle sister, the sister that is just a year older than me, so not my oldest sister. My oldest sister is Lauren. The one in between us is Logan. And my sister Logan is pregnant and I'm so freaking excited. I actually, it's a really cool story about her pregnancy that I'll have to tell you guys at some point. It's too long to say today, but She is having her she's due in November, but we're doing a baby shower in August.


So I'm going home for a wedding and for that and I just cannot be more excited. And I'm just trying to work a little bit less. I have a lot happening, lots of travel, and I'm trying to be a little bit more present in my daily life because I've been working my ass off for the past two years and I'm just ready to like feel good in my body and you know, do this health journey and to just really listen to myself and return back to my authority. Something else someone asked was like if you had to choose one wellness practice every day, what would it be? And mine is just the five minute journal. I think it's the best of the best. You don't know what that is. It is a journal that you can write, you know, what you're grateful for, three things a day, and it's just amazing.


Someone else asked me if small talk is draining. To someone, , what's your advice in meeting new people so you don't scare them with your oversharing? And I shared that I think that, , people actually want our most deepest authentic self. So I, my advice to anyone holding themselves back in conversation in, or just like around new people is to just say, fuck it. And to, I just hit my mic. I was like, fuck it. Just be yourself. Honestly, like people crave that. And the people that are, if you're too much for other, for people and. Like, if there are people that don't like who you truly are, then fuck them, you know? Like who gives a shit? I'm cussing a lot today, wow. But just truly what I mean by this is just, you know, let them, let them think whatever they want about you, but I think ultimately people love authenticity and The right people will always be inspired by you and want to know you more, they'll feel connected, they'll see a part of themselves in you, and maybe even find a friend in you.


But, if you are nervous to overshare, just ask people about themselves. People love to talk about themselves, I love to talk about myself when I'm in conversation. , I also, I'm very curious about other people, but, you know, I love when people ask me questions about my life or my job or what's going on. It's like one of my favorite things ever. So people love for you to ask them about them. So I have a little acronym that I shared too, which is like HEFE and that, so H E F E H the first, , or I guess, yeah, H is for hobbies. E the first E is for entertainment. Then the F is for food or family. And then the E is for environment. So an example of this is like, if you don't know what to say to people, be like, Oh, like what's a hobby you're interested in? And we're like, what is, Entertainment like oh, did you see this movie lately or food like oh my gosh Like have you been to this restaurant or did you try if you guys are somewhere there's already food Like did you try the the rolls?


They were amazing. Oh, how's your dad doing? that's family and then environments like wow like Look at how cute this wallpaper is, you know, that's those are some examples So those are that and then the last one was like, what's my go to cheat meal? And my answer was I don't really believe in a cheat meal. I think that if you just have enough balance I think that things are good. i'm, I think also when you eat healthy your body craves healthy foods and so Like I tend to eat pretty healthy. So I don't feel like I have they're not i'm never cheating, you know, like I want to get ice cream one night because that's what feels good. Then we will, but I, that only happens like maybe once a month, right? Like, or, you know, once every other week or so. And on the weekends, I think like, you know, eat what you want and do what you want, feel good in your body and, you know, find balance, right? Like perfectionism isn't sustainable now, of course.


And then I'm saying this after I just told you guys, I'm moving through some health issues. So you're probably like, well, she probably shouldn't have balance because she's going through that. Which is like the hard part about sharing online because, again, I'm incredibly healthy when I talk about a cheat meal and finding that balance, I'm still pretty healthy, but yeah, I'm just, that's what I'm going to say there. So, those are those questions, and then I had some that came through on the design of you, and so as I am, Pulling that up. Some people ask me, you know, how did I become a human design reader? And the answer is I was first fascinated by human design. I have like three podcast episodes where I talk about this I had my first reading I fell in love with it Then I bought the definitive book of human design read it from front to back Then I enrolled in an alternative human design training and then I started reading a book Friends charts for fun, and then it was another training and another training and then I was like, I'm a human design reader And then I took more courses and then I studied more formal routes in human design And then I took more alternative courses and now I teach people to become human design readers So just lots of studying honestly self study random courses that i've taken other certifications that i've taken and just yeah kind of found my own little path because There was nothing that existed that I wanted, you know, in the way that I wanted it.


Someone asked me, I had a lot of questions like this, ideal job for generators? And so I answered this and then a bunch of you came in and were like, what's the ideal job for a projector? What's the ideal job for a manifestor? For generators, any job that lights you up. For projectors, any job where you feel seen or recognized. For manifestors, any job that feels like You can take charge and lead and have autonomy. Ideal job for a reflector. One that allows you autonomy to move about and not be consistent in your energy and also has a really great environment and probably lets you work from home. What type am I missing?


Manifesting generator. One that allows you to come up with new ideas and pivot if you want to go into a new idea. Any job that goes through your authority Your strategy and authority is the job for you. So I'm not going to be like, oh, projectors like accountants or lawyers or like generators like doctors. No, that's not, that doesn't happen in human design. I wish, I wish, you know, that was the thing, but no. So someone asked me, how does one tap into the human design fully? And they were a generator, but I'm just going to talk about the first part. So, my advice is one, learn your energy type. Two, learn your strategy, which is how you strategically work with your energy type as a generator, manifesting generator, projector, manifester, reflector. Then learn your authority. There's seven different ones. You'll have one of them. Use that with your strategy and authority. Learn about your alignment themes that are based on your energy type. Those are called your signature not self themes. I call them alignment themes. Then utilize those things all together to start making aligned decisions and do that day by day, month by month, year by year, moment to moment for every decision and you will be in alignment.


It's not that easy, but it is, that is the formula. , essentially, and that is how you can work with that if you'd like that laid out with tips and tricks and journal prompts and reflection questions and exercises and all of the info and education you'll, you'll want on your specific chart in a personalized way. My personalized guidebooks, the human design guidebook is the greatest way to learn about your human design. , they are over a hundred pages, every single one of them. They are all custom made. Written by me for you with your name on it with your chart 100 percent personalized no two are the same and I really think it's the The best best resource for learning and integrating your human design into your life. So if you'd like that There's a link down below to get your personalized guidebook. Also just DM me on Instagram, my guide in one word, just put it in my guide. I guess I can put it in two words and I can also send you the link to get it. It's also on my website. It's just on our shop and then personalized guidebooks.


My website is the design of you. com. You can't miss it. You go to my link tree, Lincoln bio. It's it's down below. It's everywhere. There's over 3000 of you now that have those. Which is crazy. Um, And you guys all love them. You guys literally love them so much. So, that makes me, I love that. That makes me the happiest. someone said, I am hungry for more incarnation cross info. And, all I'm gonna say is, I hear you. , if you'd like, Information on your Incarnation Cross. Let me loop back to what I just said. The guidebook has an entire page dedicated to your Incarnation Cross. So, might be something to check out if you don't have yours yet. Also there's some stuff in our feed and we definitely have a podcast episode on that too. So, someone else said, Anything I should know about having all centers defined? You, and what I said is you maybe feel very sure of yourself. You may notice there's a lot more fixed energy in your design. People don't influence you as easily.


You definitely make a huge impact on people. Decisions require time for you, so sleep on it, give it a few days. Don't rush. Someone asked me, what the heck is a quad right and a quad left? , quad right means all of the arrows on the side of your chart by your kind of like the head region of your design. they're the arrows that either are pointing in the direction of left or right and they've got like two little numbers next to it. On my, mine they're just like a bigger number, a smaller number, on some it's like a triangle and a square around the number, but these are your variables. , you don't need to know about the variables right now, but essentially if those arrows are more left facing, That means, yes, if they're more left facing, that means you're a quad left.


And not more, if they are all facing left, you are a quad left. And if they're all facing right, you are a quad right. So some people might have like three facing left and then one's pointing right. That doesn't mean that you're a quad left, , they have to all be facing the same direction. And generally speaking, quad rights are more receptive in the moment. They don't need an agenda or a strategy. They're more go with the flow, more zoomed out, looking at the full journey rather than the next step. And quad lefts are the quite opposite of that. Or I should say the complete opposite of that where all of their energy is more strategic, more thinking about things in a step by step process, having an agenda or strategy or a plan.


They like to, you know, strategically work rather than receptively work. So that is the difference. There's a lot of things that come along with that. So let's see if there are any more questions that I feel like would be ideal to share. Someone said there are five on reflector feeling lost and new in team and design. What is the best place to start and I I would say to start by just learning your energy type looking up your chart again You can do that down below actually haven't said that yet. I don't know I said again, but it's always down below I think that's why I said that go look up your chart Learn about your types. This person's a reflector, but any of the five types, learn about your type and just start following accounts on Instagram. Follow me, follow some other human design readers, and just start learning about your type. Oh, there's so many things that you can Google even. I don't recommend chat GPTing your design.


This has been something that's been coming up for me. Like I even saw, I've been seeing someone on Instagram, and I really like her stuff too. This is no hate, no shade. But she does like oh how I use like chat gpt or ai and human design to like plan my life or something I think that that's cool for like planning your life, but , I will say that ChatGPT just doesn't know human sign. Trust me because I've been in here and I've been like, I've been playing with it and seeing like what it can pick up and you'll ask it like what are all the profiles and it'll say some random shit like it does not know what the hell it's talking about. So do not do that like someone's like oh well I saw a comment I just learned about my whole chart like why would I buy this when I learned about my whole chart in ChatGPT cause you're going to learn it the wrong way. Chat GPT is from like several years ago and it doesn't have the updated info and human design is still so new that there's not a lot of content. Even like online for a few years, a few years ago, there's so much more now. So best place to start is. Learn your type.


Follow some people on Instagram. Listen to my podcast. There's a gazillion episodes. Actually, there's not. There's like 40 some episodes, but listen to all 40 of them. There's lots of great little tidbits and insights into each one. And then, , I would say get your personalized guidebook. As I mentioned, , if you sign up for my newsletter, you get a 10 percent off code. So definitely do that. And, , yeah, so those are, those are the best places to start. That's that's where you'll want to go and then from there you could book a reading with me one of my readers Or another human design reader that exists. I mean I highly recommend Myself and one of my readers, but do you whatever feels good for your authority?


Maybe take a course or two. We got some things that were in the works for you We got hdm if you want to like become a reader I wouldn't, I wouldn't suggest starting there, but if you just want to, you don't have to become a reader in HDM. HDM is my program to become a human design reader or just to learn all the things about the human design system.


So, if any of you guys are listening, let me plug it in really quick. Human Design Mastery is my, , human design, , it's my human design training. It is amazing. It is a, community. We do live calls. We have a self paced course. We do live rounds twice a year. We've got live study group calls once a month. We've got random bonus calls here and there. There are over 100 of you inside of HDM. It's so much fun. You can join today and become a human design reader. By the end of this month, so If you'd like to just dive into your journey and literally have everything you'd ever possibly want to know It can be right there And if you want to become a human design reader at the end of it You can we have resources and all the things available for you But a lot of people going through are not doing that They're just like I just love human design and I just want to learn it for my life So those are the places of all the things I would I would start and someone else asked me that too Okay, those are all my questions.


Let's get into shadow work by human design because you guys are probably like, okay We're like halfway through this episode When are we going to get our info? , I just wanted to share those updates because I think a lot of you guys like that stuff. So maybe not though. You can let me know otherwise. But okay, so let's talk about shadow work. First of all, you know, before we get into it all, what is shadow work? Shadow work is a concept that's rooted in psychology and personal development that involves exploring and integrating the hidden parts of yourself. So like the shadow, right? And these aspects of the self are typically repressed or denied because they are considered, you know, undesirable or socially unacceptable.


Shadow work is very transformative. It is a process that encourages individuals to confront and embrace parts of themselves, leading to a more holistic and balanced sense of self. And so what does this have to do with human design? And my answer is that you can combine the insights from human design. with the practices or the insights of shadow work. So you can understand the hidden parts of yourself and what your shadows could potentially be. There's a few ways to do this. So just to quickly list them off. So you can look at your not self theme, your undefined or open centers. You can look at the, all of your gates and the low expressions of each gate, and then also looking at your fear gates. And then I want to talk a little bit about how to move out of shadow from being in shadow. So starting with your not self theme. Okay, before we dive in, the first thing that you need to do is just look up what your not self theme is. So look up your chart down below, it is 1 million percent free. And look up your chart and it'll list your not self theme.


theme simply means when you are not yourself. It is the telltale sign that you are experiencing misalignment and not working with your energy. And so this is the first clue of shadow work needing to be done. So I'm going to go through each one. So for generators, you will feel frustrated, stuck, overcommitted, and irritable often. For manifesting generators, you'll feel, you'll experience frustration, anger, feeling restricted, and battling impatience often. Manifestors, you will feel that you are experiencing a lot of anger, impatience, resistance when feeling controlled or obstructed. Projectors will suffer from bitterness, dismay, or feeling undervalued or ignored.


And reflectors will feel disappointment, disillusionment, and let down by unmet expectations. Expectations or environments. So if you're experiencing any of those things in your life, that means there may be some potential shadow work that needs to be done, and if you're not, then that's great, and maybe you just want to stick around to learn more about just like how to do shadow work or ways to work with shadows in human design. Cause there's some really fun stuff. And so that said, next I want to talk about your undefined and open centers. So how you know what centers you have undefined or open is basically when you look at all the shapes within your chart. So like the squares, the triangles, and then there's like a diamond. And so basically these are your centers and so some of them are colored white and some of them are colored in.


And so if you're on my chart, software, the ones that are colored in or defined, they will be like a gold. And then the ones that are undefined will be a white and reflectors. They have no defined centers, so they will have, they will have every single one undefined, and then the rest of us will have, you know, sometimes a lot, sometimes I'm not very many, maybe just one. And so, , essentially what you'll want to do is just look at the ones that you do have undefined. And see if these feelings are showing up in these places. And so I'm going to go through each of the nine centers right now. So starting with your head center, which is the center all the way up at the top. If you are experiencing shadow here, or if there's some shadow work that's needed, you're going to be feeling like you're overthinking things. There's mental pressure, confusion, feeling overwhelmed by the need to have all the answers. Then the mind center, the center below, that's like the upside down triangle in our chart.


You will feel mental rigidity, over identification with thoughts, needing to be right or certain, difficulty in seeing multiple perspectives. So that is signs of shadows showing up there. Shadows in the throat are speaking to get attention. Forcing communication, feeling the need to be heard or recognized.


Shadow is, shadows in the identity center are lack of self love, confusion about identity or life direction, or seeking external validation for your self worth. Shadows in the sacral center are Overcommitting, burnout, working for the sake of just staying busy, and an inability to say no. Shadows in the heart or will center, the little baby triangle. This is overcompensating with willpower, feeling inadequate, trying to prove yourself, or overworking. Shadows in the emotional solar plexus. This is avoiding emotions, people pleasing, having a fear of confrontation, emotional instability. Shadows in the spleen are persistent fear and anxiety clinging onto what feels safe, ignoring intuitive signals. And then lastly, shadows in the root are chronic stress, impatience, feeling pressured to act or achieve, or rushing through life. So those are the shadows that can show up in your undefined center. So if you have any of those, you might also be experiencing then the theme of the not self. So frustration, bitterness, anger, disappointment, and so on and so forth.


And so those are some clues and ways that the shadows can show up within your life. And so. The next piece that gets a little bit more specific is looking at your low expressions. So each of the gates within your chart, so you have 26 gates in your chart, 13 are conscious, 13 are unconscious. I'm going to take a sip of my kombucha. Yes, I like kombucha. Some people hate kombucha. I'm a kombucha goral. I think it's so good. I literally love it. I think it tastes amazing. It makes me feel good But yeah, some people really hate it. It's kind of been sitting here for a while though So just a little bit more pungent. Oh but okay, so All of your gates are going to be listed on the side of your body graph in the columns And they also will be listed within the body graph like whatever ones are like circled and colored in And again, each person has 26 gate placements.


You might also have gates multiple times so you could have gate I don't know 46 three different times within your chart. So you may notice that some repeat, but essentially each gate has a high and low expression. I'm going to plug in here too. If you guys have your personalized guidebook from me again, you can join my newsletter. And get a code to get 10 percent off if you don't have yours yet, but if you have yours, it will go through each of the gates that you do have within your design and it offers a way for you to essentially read about the high and low expression of each gate. And so the low expression is very much your shadow aspect.


And so. What you need to do is identify what those shadow aspects are and how they appear in your life. So for an example, gate number two, which is, I call this the vision gate, but it's also called formally the gate of direction of self. The low expression is feeling lost and not trusting that the universe will support you. And so that's a shadow aspect. So learn your low expression. Another place to go to is learning about your fear gate. So If you didn't know, all of the gates that come off the spleen center, which the spleen is the sideways triangle on the left hand side. And, , so it's gate 48, gate 57, if you have any of these gates present within your design, You will have a fear associated with it.


And so, this means that you have the possibility of experiencing this shadow. So, Gate 48 is the fear of inadequacy and not having enough depth. Gate 57 is fear of the future and the unknown. Gate 44 is fear that past baggage will catch up with you and that you will repeat mistakes. Gate 50 is fear of taking on too much responsibility. Gate 32 is a fear of failure. Gate 28 is a fear of not finding your purpose or something worth fighting for. And then gate 18 is fear of authority or challenging authority. So those are shadows of those gates and can show you a little bit more about potential areas within your chart of shadows. And so really, like when we're using human design to work with shadow work, it's really about understanding those things.


So understanding your chart, understanding your type, understanding your strategy and authority, how you're meant to navigate life and make decisions, and just kind of seeing all Okay, am I aligned with these things or not? If you are not, then you want to identify conditioning. So human design can highlight areas where we're susceptible to conditioning through, , you know, different parts of our chart. So, , specifically our undefined and open centers as we talked through. And so reflect on how societal, familial, or cultural influences have perhaps shaped your behavior and beliefs in these areas. And if you're experiencing conditioning The things that I mentioned with each of the centers, that's an indication that there is something there to dive deeper into.


And then of course dive into your gates and potentially even your channels and just look at those low expressions. And so those are your shadow aspects. Identify them in your chart and reflect how they show up in your life. So you know, for example, like I said, if you have gate two, the vision or the direction of self, but you feel lost all the time, then that's an indication that You potentially are experiencing a shadow from that area in your design. And then you guys learned about your not self theme and this is where I'd kind of return to that and see When does this trigger show up like they're not something that's kind of the signposts that something's out of alignment So when that shows up, it's about noticing that and kind of embracing that like, oh, wow I'm really frustrated when I do this or in this moment or during this experience And so that's where then you want to go into some self inquiry and journaling.


So Exploring these shadow aspects, how they show up in your life, ask yourself questions like, what are my fears? What are my insecurities? What are the traits that are undesirable within me that tend to appear often? And reflect on how those undefined centers contribute to these patterns. And of course, you know, once we have this awareness, I think it's important to practice mindfulness and meditation. So being aware of our thoughts, our emotions, our reactions, seeing these without judgment, and more so just creating space for these things to integrate. And, you know, the next piece is working with someone, right? Work with a practitioner, a human design reader, You can schedule with me. You can schedule with one of our amazing readers that we have.


We just added a couple more into our directory. If you guys didn't know, all of the readers that are listed on our site have gone through Human Design Mastery. They have an extensive assessment and they have to send me two readings and They have to send me all sorts of info and take this, again, really extensive test to be able to be accepted into our network. So these are really incredible ladies that I fully trust, would love to have more men there. So, , they're a lot more, , inexpensive than I am to book a reading. Due to time reasons right now so Again, though i'd love to read with you if that works for you, too So work with a practitioner if that feels good for you again Your guidebook is an awesome resource to learn about all of these things, too But working with someone can really give you that sort of like personalized approach , so yeah, we'll link that down below too and then ultimately The goal of shadow work is just integration, acknowledging and accepting all parts of yourself, your highs, your lows, your shadows, seeing where you have, you know, repressed parts of yourself or denied parts of yourself.


I think even learning about what your gifts are and then seeing how you're, you know, You know, not embracing those things is also a shadow and just embrace the full spectrum of being alive and living more authentically and harmoniously. And so human design is so awesome for shadow work, because it really shows us these uncovered just potentials or these hidden potentials and allows us to move forward into greater alignment, which is everything that we do in human design. So. That is shadow work and human design guys. I hope that this helped you. We are going to be posting a little guide on Instagram. So if you want this broken down into something more put together, actually, as I was going through this, I was going through that post because I created the post before this episode.


So yeah, that is, that is the shadow work, how to use human design for shadow work. So if you're a reader, integrate this into your sessions. If you're not a reader, Use it for yourself or your own, I guess, clients or in whatever capacity. Maybe you can look at a family member or besties chart and, you know, see the shadow aspects and maybe open a conversation or find more empathy for these people. So I love you guys. This has been really fun and I love these. This was so much easier than me doing a camera and stuff. I definitely need to do this more, but thank you guys. It's my favorite thing ever to just, just to catch up. If there's anything you guys want to hear more about. Let me know. We've got some exciting work coming up or work, I guess.


Yeah, work, but also podcast episodes. , the theme for June is well rounded spirituality. So I'm going to be talking about my daily routine based on human design. I'm going to be talking about things I do in my home to make it a spiritual sanctuary. We're going to be doing an episode dedicated to digestion and human design. I'm going to be talking about wellness trends I love. You guys are going to be seeing a lot of just like, non human design related episodes, but almost every single one you listen to will have something related to human design. And that's intentional. I just want to bring my whole self and all the things like, again, I mentioned at the beginning, I'm more than just a human design reader and I need this space personally to be that way.


So yeah I've been thinking about Changing some things up related to that, but I don't know. Yeah again not fully formed thoughts Like I said earlier, but that's what's happening in June and then in July. We've got a whole month dedicated to Just like random personal episodes at least so far. I want to talk a little bit about my sound healing journey I think I mean, it's I'm going on a retreat next month And so I feel as if like I'm gonna have a lot of breakthroughs and I think I want to share about it I'm gonna give you guys an update on my psychic mediumship journey I think I'm going to do another Q& A, like Q& A episodes are my favorite to listen to from podcasts.


So we're going to do more of those. And then that's kind of where we're at right now. So if there's anything that you guys want to see, any episodes, any questions you guys have, let me know. Find me in the Instagram DMs. I've been so much more active in there for a while I was like just away from it didn't have the time and space, but I'm back baby. I'm back in the DMs I feel like that's been a good place for me lately. If you have support email questions, please don't send them in my DMs no hate no shade if you've done that, but A lot of you will be like I have an issue with this order or something where like You guys have you put the wrong birth time or something like that and you guys dm me and I I kind of hate it and I don't mean that in a mean way.


It's just like I don't see it right away And so I always feel so freaking bad Even some of my students will do this So like even some of you guys will message me on my personal account, which again like i'm sometimes in there But sometimes I like don't see everything so all of a sudden i'll be catching up on dms like a month later and it's like Hey, like I put their wrong birth time Or the wrong email on my guidebook order and I'm like oh crap I already sent you your guidebook to the wrong email or you know I didn't see this. So always send things to the support email for like order stuff but I am in the DMs a lot more and trying to see more of your stuff. So that said if you have any questions let me know. or suggestions. Please find me there. And as always, last but certainly not least, if you are not subscribed to the podcast or following the podcast, please do so.


This really helps me. I'm sure you hear this from all your podcasters that you listen to, but like seriously, this is how your podcast grows. Like, there is no, like, let me break it down for you guys, and I'm going to do this more often because I don't think people realize it. So, running a podcast is, is, like, you don't make money from a podcast. Like, I've, I've made a total of 26 ever for my podcast. That's from ads that I've ran, okay? So, , , that's not a lot of money, as you guys know. And I pay a podcast manager. You know, a few grand a month and I, my equipment, turning my office into a podcast studio was not cheap. Okay. And I don't say this to talk about, you know, those types of things, cause all that's fine, but podcasts are passion projects.


And so unless you are, you know, super famous and have a giant following, you don't make money from a podcast for a while. And so it's very much me showing up in this being my passion project. And so for me to feel like. I want to show up here all the time. I need, I need to know that you guys are enjoying it. You know what I mean? So it means the world to me. If you guys can follow the show and leave me a review because that shows me that you guys love it and you guys want to hear more and also helps me for the future when, and hopefully, Hopefully when, , I, at some point will sign with a podcast management company, putting that out there in the universe now.


And so that way they can help me with monetizing my podcast a little bit more. I guess the indirect way is that if you guys buy my products and services, which I hope that you all do, but just following the show and leaving a review, it takes no effort for you guys. It doesn't do anything for you in terms of like, you don't get notifications from me by following the show or anything like that. It just means that you care about my show. And then that shows people who want to invest in me and my show that I have active listeners and people really like it. So that means the world to me. If you could just do that, that would be great. Hugs and kisses from far away. Big, big love to all of you that take the timeAnd okay, I'm going to end it here. Love you all. I hope that you have a great summer and I will speak to you next week. Bye.