The Design Of You

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Numerology 101 with Josh Siegel

EPISODE #39: Numerology 101 with josh siegel

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In this episode, Leah brings on Josh Siegel, a numerology expert, to talk about all things numerology. They discuss all of the following:

05:06 How Josh got into numerology 

16:00 Finding your chart information

19:15 Using numerology to manifest

22:40 Leah’s life path number and journey

35:44 What can we expect in 2024 as a whole

46:12 Are angel numbers related to numerology?

50:51 Lucky numbers

Leah and Josh, 5/1 Sacral Generators, dive deep into numerology. This episode is great for anyone who wants to learn the basics of numerology and how to use it to manifest, find your life’s path, and live in alignment with your human design type. Josh will also discuss whether angel numbers are an important part of numerology and how lucky numbers play into it.


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Josh: And so when you look at the birth date, right and people are into astrology understand important birth dates are. Right. And, and the full name, the full complete name, because that's, that's sort of, if you want to call it the, the, the stamp, the karmic stamp. 


Leah: Yeah, like it's like your imprint. Like this is the day you were born and this is your name. Like this is, there was no mistake that this is the, the letters and numbers that you have in this lifetime. It's your code.


Leah: Welcome back to another episode of the Design of You. You guys are in for a treat today. We have Josh Seigel, who is a numerologist, and he's freaking incredible, let me tell you. Okay, so this episode was recorded in January of 2024, so it's been a few months since we actually spoke, and as you guys know, we had a breakdown. With the podcast. So actually last week's episode, this week's episode, and then in a couple of weeks, we have an interview with Anna Grace Newell, AG university. So get excited for that. Those were all recorded quite a while ago. But as you guys know, the podcast was on a bit of a hiatus, so. We did not have a chance to release these and I wanted to talk a little bit about human design and do a little catch up before I brought my guests into into the mix.


Leah: So yeah, I know you guys love guest episodes. I personally do as well. All of our best episodes have a guest involved. And so, yeah, this is just one of those really cool episodes where we're diving into a topic that I know a lot of you are interested in. And it's something that I get a lot of questions because oftentimes when people see, like, When we talk about like profile and human design, which is that two number combination. So oftentimes people will be like, oh is human design related to numerology or even when we talk about gates and channels? Just all the different numbers in human design And i'm going to be clear right now numerology is not a part of human design Now numbers are a part of our lives in lots of different ways and so you could argue that numerology is a part of everything but it is not a part of human design, but I know that numerology is a really really cool technology and a really cool system that Is very helpful and it teaches us a lot and so I had the privilege of talking to josh back in january to talk about numerology and he even did a little bit of a reading on me and And I, it was just, it was awesome.


Leah: I truly, truly was blown away by this conversation because, you know, as being in the spiritual space, I work a lot with angel numbers and I've subscribed to a lot of the, like, just the signs and messages. And like, we actually talked a little bit about angel numbers and I was shocked to hear what Josh had to say. But yeah. And also just in general, like, just the way that numerology works, and Josh has such an incredible story. I mean, he's worked with celebrities and really big people out in the world, and he's been doing numerology for decades, and so he's just truly brilliant, and I could not get enough of that.


Leah: The conversation I truly was like, can we hang out and be best friends? He was so cool. And it was even funny because what you guys didn't see as we get off the phone and he's like walking around his apartment and he's like talking to me and we're just like talking about stuff in general. And I'm like, I love your style. And he's like, You do and I just was like, yes, like your decor. I mean, I just, I loved talking to Josh. He was freaking awesome. So I know that you guys are going to love this episode as much as I did. And so if you've been curious about numerology, even if you haven't been curious about numerology, just, just sit back and listen, because it is such a great conversation.


Leah: And yeah, so I'm again, not going to do much of an intro like last week, because the bulk of the episode is. incredible and I don't want you guys to waste any more time hearing me ramble about just how awesome it was. And so without further ado, let's get into the episode with Josh Seigel talking about numerology. All right guys, I'm here with Josh Seigel today to talk a little bit about numerology. We're very excited to dive into this world. I know lots of you have had questions about numerology. I mean, just the other day, I got a text from someone asking me if numerology was a part of human design, which spoiler alert, it is not, but we are so excited to have Josh here today to tell us all the things about numerology, how he got into it and how we can really use numerology in our lives.


Leah: And specifically Josh, I'd love to hear about how we can use numerology in 2024. So, but let's just start with your story. Tell us everything about you, how you got into numerology and all the things. 


Josh: Well, Leah, thanks for having me on your podcast. I'll try to make it as brief as possible. But so I'm, I'm an unlikely person to to be into this world based on, you know, my upbringing, you know, I grew up I was adopted. My my parents were much older and kind of conservative in their thinking. My mother was a professor at UCLA, a German immigrant. And my father was in labor law. He was an arbitrator and an attorney. And I would not say these people were spiritual at all, you know I think what it was is that I had this inherent sort of question about life.


Josh: I thought there was more to life than what I was seeing. They couldn't answer in those questions. So because I was adopted into a Jewish family, I studied Kabbalah at a younger age and which is, you know, Jewish mysticism. And what's so interesting about the Kabbalistic path is what I found fascinating was This sort of mathematical formula to the mind of God. I thought, Whoa, this is super interesting. And and it kind of made it cool for me because I grew up with these sort of analytical parents. So numbers and some sort of mathematical process seemed okay, you know yet it was tapping into this sort of other worldliness, right? And, um, and, but that, it didn't stop there because at some point I started looking around more to see if there was more in other traditions.


Josh: And I was sort of shocked to find out that, gee, the Hebrews weren't, you know, the only ones who delved into mystical usage of numbers. I mean, it was even far ancient. And that's when I remember I found a book called the secret teachings of all ages by Manly Hall, Manly Palmer Hall. And it had sort of an encyclopedia of all this mystical knowledge from across the world and every tradition. And I still have a copy of that book today. And I have to tell you what I found was kind of startling. That is that all the ancient traditions had a system of numbers that described how the universe worked, but in a mystical divine manner, numbers were venerated. God's were connected to numbers qualities and within nature were connected to numbers, and it was not just in any one path, but sort of universally, and they all seem to use the numbers.


Josh: Similarly, blew my mind. I'm like, we don't learn that in school. Did you learn that in school? I didn't know, you know, I, I know you learned the Pythagorean theorem in math, right? And.


Leah:  We learned lots of things we probably aren't using from math. 


Josh: No, I'm not definitely not using that shit. But I will say that what you don't know is that Pythagoras Which we study 2, 500 years later, you know, in math class was also, you know, one of the sort of originators of modern numerologies. We know it, at least it's attributed to him and he believed that numbers were divine and that he was, you know, taught these, these mystical concepts to his, you know, his students who had to take a bow of silence for five years just to get in this school. And and so, but we're not taught that we're, we're taught the, you know, You know, the Pythagorean theorem a squared plus b squared equals c squared.


Josh: But we're not, we don't, we're not taught that numbers were believed to have divine characteristics. So, which is what he also taught factually, you know? So anyways, all that led me to, at some point, if there's a code to the universe, is there a code to us as human beings? I mean, aren't we a part of the universe? Aren't we a part of the all? Why would, why would, and then you start thinking about this. Do we all not have, you know, human DNA, which is a mathematical code that's mapped out that will show us what, how we're going to look like our predisposition for, you know, disease or hair color, eye color, how tall we are, it's all hidden in a, in a, in a mathematical code.


Josh: Yeah. You know, why wouldn't there be a code to who we are, our individual life path, our lessons. Why would the code that describes the universe that was universally believed. And why would there be a code to our physicality? And there not be a code to other aspects of life. And that's when I found a book on numerology over 25 years ago, cause that's how long I've been doing this. I've done, I've estimated I've done over 20, 000 sessions and I've devoted my life work to this. And, you know, I was raised by an academic, so I, I did essentially research case studies, trial and error to see how far I could get decoding the human mind and why we're here. 


Leah: What is your, do you know your human design? I don't think we looked it up actually. 


Josh: Yeah, it's really bizarre, but I had talked to other people about this on a podcast, right? And they did my, my human design and I have the same chart. Is the man who originated the system. 


Leah: Oh my gosh. Wait, no way. Okay, let's, let's get your birth information. I wanna actually book your chart right now, right? Okay. Oh, you were five one. So I'm, I'm a five one as well. But you're you're gen. We're both five one sacral generators, which is really cool. Very different though. But yeah, rah, the originator of the human design system is a five one, which is really spectacular and inherited. Yep, the heretic. Yep, the heretic.


Leah: You mean the, the researcher. I, I was wondering if you had the one in your profile, because as you were talking about like the research and the academics and kind of digging into this, I'm like, he's got to have a one in his profile. I know it. And I was wondering if you had the five as well. So, so fascinating.


Josh: Well, here's what's really bizarre is I didn't know anything about this guy. And when I did this interview, I had just come back from summer vacation. And I literally I just came back days from Ibiza. And when they did my chart, they said not only is your chart startlingly the same as the man who created the system, but he developed it while he was living in Ibiza.


Leah: How interesting is that? Wow. 


Josh: How's that for synchronicity? Interesting. 


Leah: Yeah, that is crazy. That's very cool. Well, I, I love that. So I, so there's so many things I feel like I could just, I mean, I have a million questions for you. Everything you've been talking about is just so intriguing to me. First and foremost, when you were talking about numbers, just the way that we have, you know, everything that you were talking about, you know, if, if all of these, The ways of the universe, the way the laws of the universe, if they're all made up of numbers, how are we not made up of numbers?


Leah: I fully believe in that. But also it's like, then you start to think about computer systems and how like zeros and ones make up computers. It's just all of these crazy things and synchronicities. So it's very fascinating to me. And then I was also thinking about interstellar, of course, which I feel like you've seen that movie. I'm assuming. 


Josh: Actually I haven't yet. You haven't yet. No, no. Should I? 


Leah: Yes. Oh my goodness. You need to. There's a whole like part of Interstellar where they're talking about numbers and they basically put all these mathematical connections together to like see different dimensions. And it's been a while since I've watched the movie, but it is, I feel like it's right up your alley.


Josh: So I'm definitely, I'm definitely going to see that for sure. But what you mentioned with the zeros and ones, right. Which is binary code, computer code, binary code. So there was an 18th century mathematician named Leibniz, and he was studying the I Ching, which is a 5, 000 year old philosophical system, mystical system from China. Okay.


Leah: I Ching and the Kabbalah are part of human design. Oh, 


Josh: Okay. So, so. Yeah. 


Leah: So I know a lot about those two things. Yep. 


Josh: All right. So Leibniz is this 18th century mathematician and he's looking at the I Ching, which is basically based on 64 symbols, hexagrams, and each symbol has all these meanings and Confucius did his version of that. And he's looking at this and he's seeing in it the beginnings of the zero and one binary code. Okay. It inspires him to come up with the binary code, which later on became the binary code that we use in computers today. So, so here we go with this idea that this ancient mystical knowledge must be just silliness and all that kind of stuff.


Josh: Actually, it's not at all. You know, our computer language today was, you know, originated in this inspirational experience that a mathematician had in the 18th century. So I looked into these things now, you know, I've been doing this for, you know, a quarter century now. So I've had, I just have great hair, but you know, obviously pretty old, but anyways the thing is, is that my idea was. Is there a psychological connection to these numbers? I mean, can we, can we see wounding patterns? Can we see struggles? Can we see things that you're good at things that you're, you know, have to learn? And I have found that all of that is hidden in this mathematical algorithm to your life. And I've been helping people from literally all walks of life.


Josh: I mean, I work with people from, you know, housewives in the Midwest. To fortune 500 CEO to everybody, because it's all just numbers and lessons for me. Right. And so what I found is that we are born with certain lessons given to us at birth, and we're going to have an environment that usually is connected to that lesson. So there's certain types of parental dynamics and where you grow up and certain types of events that are preordained, but, and then you're going to be. If you want to call conditioned by those experiences in effect, you want a deep psychological level and then a matrix is created. That's the mathematical matrix.


Josh: Then you go out into the world and you have a program going on and then you attract this kind of boyfriend, you're, you're playing out this kind of issue with certain bosses. You really want to do this, but you have insecurities and you know, you're, you're not happy with your job, but you'd rather all these things. Are kind of written in here. No, I don't know every little detail about someone's life, right? Sure. But and I don't know exactly what happened to you, but I know enough to help guide you to breaking this code, right? That you're reenacting these wounding patterns, these traumas, whatever it is, and helping you to wake up to your higher purpose.


Josh: Because I think that's probably the most powerful tool that I have here is I can see the higher purpose of every person. As long as I have their information, I can see the pathway to their higher purpose. And that's, you know, gives people the opportunity to change their lives and awaken out of the, out of their program and their matrix, the numbers change, they morph.


Leah: So I have a couple of questions based on that. So when you're working with someone, are you just using their, the birth date, or are you using time? Like what specific information do you need from someone to, to see into that, the, the higher purpose?


Josh: So, so your birth date, time is only for astrology and I guess for human design as well. But the full name is it appeared on the birth certificate. So that's not new, by the way, that's not a new age concept that letters and numbers are intertwined and can have mystical meanings that dates back thousands of years. You know, the Hebrews did it. That's a part of Kabbalah and they didn't have numbers, the Roman numerals, you know, that we use.


Josh: They used. Letters as numbers. So Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet, these are the A, B, C, D in Hebrew. And each one of these letters is attributed to a number. And then you would look at a a word, right. And each letter equal to number, you can add up all the letters and then the word had a number to it. And then they would connect that number to other words that added up to that number. It was a very mystical system. It was called Gamatria, you know, but the, but the Greeks had their own version of it too. Isopsophy. And they connected the, the, the Greek characters, letters to numbers and, and all of that was written in code. So it's not a new concept. It's not new age. Yeah. And, and, and the belief was that, you know, words and the letters of words have a vibration to it.


Josh: Yeah. And so when you look at the birth date. Right. And people are into astrology understand important birth dates are right and and the full name the full complete name because that's That's sort of if you want to call it the the stamp 


Leah: Yeah. Like it's like your imprint, like this is the day you were born and this is your name. Like this is, there was no mistake that this is the, the letters and numbers that you have in this lifetime. It's your code. 


Josh: That is correct. Now, now remember where I grew up, my mother was a senior professor at UCLA and she was a staunch, staunch skeptic, right? So it's not that of all people, you gotta understand something. I know skepticism better. When I talk to skeptics, I laugh and I say, you're a lightweight. My mom was so skeptical that she was skeptical of skeptics because you didn't think they were skeptical enough, right? And, and, and, you know, I always talk about this because it's kind of a fun little anecdotal thing.


Josh: But my mom was a descendant of Albert Einstein and that was her name, her maiden name was Einstein and she kept it. So my mother was known as Professor Einstein. And, you know um, but regardless of that, cause you know, I'm, I'm not blood related to Einstein, but my mother was, you know, but none, nonetheless, she really was this brilliant mind. So I understand the arbitrary nature of having a birth date and your, your grandmother's name was Cynthia. And that became your middle name. I can only tell you this. I've, I've done over 20, 000 sessions and whatever you want to say factually from the work that I've done. There is a correlation between the name that you were somehow given in the, in the birthday year and month that you came under, and it correlates to your life. And I've, I've, I have shown that literally thousands of times.


Leah: It’s like why all Karens are called Karen, right? Like they 


Josh: Isn't that weird? 


Leah: I just thought that was funny, but yeah, so I'm curious about manifestation here. So I do a lot of work in that space. I fully believe that you can raise your vibration to match, you know, a desired reality.


Leah: And so how does that work with these numbers? Cause you say like, you know, numbers can change. So like what are, what's the correlation between kind of, I guess, manifesting your desired reality to numerology. 


Josh: To do it in the most effective manner. You have to know what your programming is, what your, what your mythology that you carry your false belief system, the distortion, and everyone carries distortions, you know, you know, an anorexic woman will look in the mirror and she will see what a fat person she could be to two weeks away of dying from malnutrition. So we all have these wacky distorted beliefs about ourselves. Even if we are You know, think that. Oh, well, I know better than that. But you have to know the program that you're carrying. I think to fully understand how to rework the program, right? That's why I think this is important. And also there is a higher path for everyone.


Josh: Then it's about reprogramming and changing patterns, changing belief systems and taking action. And, and, and I'm very practical about that. Right. And so, you know, I did take a look at your life path number and, you know, when I do a chart, I do six numbers typically. Right? And so the life path number is just a small element of it and not enough to really decode a person in any really real way. But I did, I did notice that you had an interesting number that seems to correlate to what you're talking about right now. So your life path number is a 44 slash 8. I use double digit numbers and properly that's when you're using, you know, proper numerology. You just don't break it down in single digit.


Josh: You have to look at the double digits that preceded it. 4 plus 4 is 8. And that's considered a master number in traditional numerology. All the double digits that repeat, so 11, 22, 33, in your case 44. And there seems to be some erroneous belief that master numbers stop at 33. I, there's a lot of misinformation out there on Tik Tok and all these formats because people literally have no idea what they're talking about. I don't know. It's like these people picked up the Idiot's Guide to Numerology and now they're like, I know everything. I'm like no, you don't. So I need you on Tik Tok. Well, that's, that's my publicist says that all the time. So so let me, I'm just going to give you a little bit about this. And then I'm so excited.


Leah: I didn't expect this. So yeah, tell me all the things. I mean, I love getting.


Josh: Right. So, so this is not a full, complete reading, which would take the entire podcast, you know, last one I did took the entire podcast, but it's just going to be a little bit, cause I don't have the luxury of seeing all these other numbers that are really going to tell me where the chart's going. So keep that in mind. Yeah. This is just an, it's going to get modified by the numbers in a full reading. However, it's a, it's a, it's a notable number, right? So eight has to do with self worth and self value and it has to do with authority and power and having the ambition to manifest, you know, your higher goals.


Josh: And it's a number we typically associate with, you know, someone who's here to really accomplish and achieve. Slightly higher than the average person. Okay. 


Leah: No surprise. I'm an overt viewer. That's for sure. 


Josh: Well, now I've done, let's say, I think around five, five or six billionaires over the years now for me, I don't, I, it's kind of interesting, but for me, I, it's all just not, it's just all numbers to me. I don't really make too much bones about if someone's a billionaire or not, but I noticed that the number eight popped up. Not necessarily in the life path, but another area of the chart, a deeper lesson called what I call the ultimate goal number, but they can also have it in the life path as well.


Josh: And each one of these people, I, you know, to their face, told them that they had self worth issues and they agreed that you might ask, how does somebody who's a multi billionaire have self worth issues, obviously they must have all this empowerment within, and it was because, you know, They didn't have the self worth that it propelled them and pushed them to have to prove So it does bring a higher likelihood of success But it's because of the self worth issues that actually propels them to do so So that's the psychology about it. Now. The other thing is the 44. Okay now for is your foundation in your stability in life And it's a double four as a master number, meaning that you had that double, but remember the life path is a lesson. It may not be the big whopper, I call it a lesson in the chart, but it's a lesson. And four has to do if you're feeling grounded and stable growing up.


Josh: Well, when you have a double four, you don't necessarily feel that way. Right. And then later on in life, we have to build our own internal foundation. You step by step process. Right? Now, four happens to be a very analytical number. So they have a tendency to overanalyze things and they have to learn to breathe and slow down and stretch and build their success slowly through each step. If they skip steps, that's going to be a problem. So, but it's because they did not grow up in a stable, stable feeling environment that later on in life, it becomes very important that they build their own security. Okay. Now you can also check out for me. Now you can, we, we do interesting things in relationship.


Josh: Again, I don't, I don't have the ability to see everything here, but sometimes we will find people cause it's a part of a psychological wound, the self worth connected to a feeling of instability growing up, and we may attract partners that we can provide stability for, or even friends or people when we can fix and stabilize. Right. So. That's stabilizing for love, right? Fixing for love 


Leah: So much in my, in my friendships. I luckily have a really amazing partner now, but in my past relationships, I did a lot of that and my friends, I still do that for sure. I'm always attracting people who need help and I can't take it because they always want my help with stuff. And then I like to sometimes, and I think there's an inconsistency of how I, I go to help someone and then, you know, one day I'm just not in the mood. And so then, you know, 


Josh: but. Well, like I said, we talked about how the numbers change as we change. So I mean, I wish I had the whole thing and I like doing full readings and it's fun. But I wanted to go back to 2022. Okay. And we'll take it from the fall of 2021 to the end of 2022. So late summer, fall of 21 to the end of 2022. That was your, the reason why I'm going back there is that was the last time you're in an eight year. Okay. Because prior to that, I think you're just too young. That's 2013. And I think you're just too damn young. But that was your first kind of adult eight year. And so let me explain there are, there are these numerological cycles that are happening in the background. They are temporary. You're not born with them. They're just cycles that influence you.


Josh: And there's nine year cycles. Right. So when you hit your ninth year, whatever your birth, I mean, it's, you, you, you learn that based on you know, what your birth date is, the month of day of birth, and you add it to the year, but anyways, you're, you're, you're depending on what your birth date is, you're going to be one through nine. And after your ninth year, then you start over again in another one year and you do a, you know, nine year cycle, but you were in an eight year. And the reason I take it from the fall of 2021 is that there's always a little bit of a lead in. Right. Right somewhere around October. 


Leah: It’s not based on like your birthday. Like I turned this year. It's actually like the like it's 2024 now. So this is like, is this one year then for me? 


Josh: It is a one year for you. Okay. You're correct. So now you're in a 26 8, you know, which can affect relationship stuff. There can be a change in your relationship status, or there can be shifts in your relationship during that time frame, and, but, it's also, it's the 8 is going to try to influence you to, to ignite the 8 that you were born with. Right. So I was going to say, it's time to push out ambition, ambition, take things to the next level. You know, hike up your goals, you know, practice that manifestation, right? So there could have been developments in your career during that time that were important as far as your ambition was concerned.


Leah: Yeah, that’s my corporate job. Okay. Yeah, that was when I left my corporate job, when I pursued human design fully um, had already been doing human design, but I, I mean, it was like a really dark time for me cause I was just pulled. I had a really big corporate career and, you know, six figures the whole bit. And like, totally, that was the beginning of 2022. That March was when I said I'm done and I quit. And then I pursued this full time that entire year, which was very hard at first, but also the best thing I've ever done for my life. 


Josh: Okay, let's go back to that's amazing, by the way, and badass. And so I want to go back to your 44 8. Let's let's let's see why that's so extraordinary because the 448 has a lot of concerns. Let's say anxieties about stability. Foundation, because they didn't grow up with it leaving, you know, a, remember eight rules authority and power. So we were in an authoritative position. So you might have, you know, some level of executive position or some sort of title or something like this, but. By leaving that job, you had pulled that four from underneath you. Right. Because well, they had a good thing then, It's incredible because just understand this, you have this predisposition to have concerns about your stability and your foundation because, because of how you experienced your childhood.


Josh: The 44 doesn't always mean you had an unstable child physically, but certainly the anxiety or the concerns of a parent made it feel that way, right? So growing. All right. So now when you left that job, you're leaving financial [00:29:00] security and stability and long term. You know, you can get your 401k and benefits and all that kind of stuff, right? By leaving that you're, you're believing in yourself worth enough. You're valuing what your capabilities are to say, I can build, you know, within my own life, take authority for my own life, doing what I really love. Again, I don't have the rest of your numbers, but I'm assuming they're involved in health, wellness, spirituality, and things like that.


Josh: Right. But to go back to this, you had to believe in yourself enough that you could make your own money and build your own stability and foundation. Yeah. So, and, and so that you were going against your programming, which is stay here. It's stable. Everything is fixed for you here. Right. But, but that wasn't associated with your higher values and what you wanted in life, right? Which will show in the rest of your chart. So you went against, right? You broke free of the matrix that no, no, no, you want to keep that job because it's stable and secure. You're going to have long term security out of this. But at what? What expense? Thanks. So you, you broke that matrix and then you went and said, no, I believe in myself that I can do what I want. What's going to fulfill me and build my own financial stability from that. I can, I can create my own path. I can be the executive of my own life. I have that self worth 


Leah: And it's so interesting you say that because like as a child, I mean, I grew up in a very lower middle class You know family mom's an alcoholic and my parents were divorced when I was three and My dad was always working overtime to make ends meet. So I grew up without a lot of money and so yeah, that was that year it's funny you even say that as well because In 2022 was the biggest money healing journey I've ever gone on. I was at a retreat and had this whole like massive spiritual experience happen where I was meditating on just money. I'd started doing some like money, listening to some podcasts on the psychological like impacts of money. And I was listening to some meditations on, you know, childhood connections. And then I went to this retreat and I, fully, you know, totally sober to just have this massive experience where I connected with myself as a child.


Leah: And I met myself in a, in a situation that I did remember as a kid, but it was the story of my dad saying that I liked designer milk because I wanted him to buy almond milk at the grocery store. I didn't remember, like, I remember that happening cause it was, it's still kind of a joke in our family, but. I could tell you what I was wearing or what I looked like in that moment, but it like took me to that moment in my kitchen with my sisters, you know, when I stood there next to myself and it was, it was really profound experience where I, you know, held that girl's hand. And then I held my future self's hand and like, there was this full, you know, visual thing that was just happening in my head.


Leah: But it was such a relief. And since that experience, I mean, money hasn't been something that I've even thought about. So yeah, it was like a, it was totally a year of. So much. I left my job. I you know, I missed two car payments. I'm still like trying to figure out my, my [00:32:00] credit is now kind of building from that, but it was a year of just lots of mistakes with money. And then I'm like, I need to fix this. I need to figure it out. And so then I had that happen, the, you know, spiritual experience, and then it's never been a worry since. But I fully believe in, yeah, I, I definitely broke something in that experience for sure.


Josh: So there's a lot there. So you grew up, you know, and where there was concerns about money and stability and interestingly enough, that's not uncommon for a number like that. But I've even seen cases and that's why I always, you know, I'm never quite sure. Sometimes there is enough, but a parent doesn't think there is right, even if there is. So it does, it, I don't make a distinction between the two. It's your experience of it. Right. You're asking for a designer milk, which is basically, you're asking for me to go and spend extra money on this almond milk.


Josh: Yeah. Right. And you're like, who are, you know, you know, who are you to ask for that?


Leah: Personally, apparently. 


Josh: Yeah. Right. And by the way, I had I had almond milk this morning. Just want to let you know, I'm on board with the almond [00:33:00] milk. And I spend way too much too much money at Erwin market. Anyways, aim when I'm in LA. Yeah, this has to do with your These are memories about self worth concerns and feeling, you know, related to what you deserve and abundance consciousness and things like that. That's very much a part of your wound. You know, a lot of the time we'll see people doing work, particularly in the spiritual space that directly relates to their wound.


Josh: And because it's a part, you know, it is your life path number. So it is going to be part of what you do. It's going to be part of your vocation. So that was a really breakthrough time for you. You know, you'll, you'll, you'll catch up to your payments and you'll realize you can do this and you, and you, you will be, you will be successful. Just like most of the other 8s. Now, because it's a wound in a lesson, you have to go through some of these trials and tribulations first. But, but that's, but that is normal and a part of the process. That's okay. That's okay. You're meant, you're meant to go do those things. And by the way, you can also look at your significant other and see.


Josh: Where the positive manifestation of your numbers are or any any more, shall we say, challenging aspects as well, because we tend to project our numbers, this number, but more likely some other numbers in the chart, which I don't have time to go through today. But we did. We definitely get these kinds of mirrors into our life from who we attract. Right. So for example, you know, you have to look at his self worth, his self value, his relationship with career work and money. , and you'd say, wait a minute, this is, you know, he might have some positive aspects about that that are good for you. You know, or maybe he, you know, mirrors some, some of the challenging aspects of too, which is not, again, that's not necessarily bad either.


Josh: Why? Because. We're, we're learning these things and we tend to attract what we need to learn, you know, you know, by now I've been doing this for so long and I've seen so many cases and so many case studies. That I, this is all just a big giant matrix to me now, you know, I mean, so anyways, go ahead. Well, it's gotta be so fun just to see.


Leah: I know I feel that way when I look at a human design chart and I see the synchronicities or hear similar stories from several people who have the same aspect. So it's gotta be so fun. And You know, I really love the way that you describe it. It's so empowering and I have to do a reading with you at some point and I would love to dive into my partner's chart, my chart. I mean, I want to get into all of this because I just feel like it's so helpful. And so I guess I'm curious from you what the, the year of 2024, now you're, we've been talking a lot about the personal charts, but is there a collective theme that we all move through? Um, Or is it very much individual? 


Josh: You know I, I'm not, you know, I, I've done these interviews before you know, since years back about, you know, calendar years, you, they call them universal years and how they affect society in general. And I have mixed feelings on that. You know, another, someone sent me something about another one of these Tik Tokers are like, it's 2024. That, that adds up to an eight. So everyone's going to get rich. You know, and you know, it's the money number. So everyone's going to get rich because it's 2024. And he's like, if you want to know how to get rich, you know, with your numbers, then you got to contact me, you know, probably get poor paying this guy's exorbitant fees.


Josh: Theoretically, theoretically, maybe some larger macro things like maybe you know, maybe they'll, you know, because of interest rates cuts at some point in the year, maybe, you know, the stock market is at an all time high right now. You know, we'll, we'll have to see if that stays. So there's all these You know, things that are happening, maybe an economic level, but I don't think it's worthwhile to make too much hay about this kind of stuff. Same thing with, with addresses and people's houses. You know, and I, I don't, I don't buy too much into it. One interview I did, I said, look, there does seem to be sometimes when you go out and you buy a property and, and, and just sort of like, cause it speaks to you and this is where you want to live.


Josh: And then you later on analyze the address. And it may kind of correlate to, you know, where you are vibrationally, you know, in your life at that moment that has some kind of like synchronicity and kismet to it. But people calling me and saying, Hey, I got all these different addresses, which one adds up to the best one for me. I don't know. I haven't done as much research on these things. And I think it's more important to find out what cycle you're in. Yeah. 


Leah: And you know, Will to choose, right? Like tune into your intuition and see what speaks to you. And then I think the numbers will place you in the right place. No matter what, like the programming will put you where you're meant to be. So you don't have to overthink it so bad. 


Josh: That's dead on. That's right on. That's right on the spot. That's true. And I think that you, you, you, you have to be careful in micromanaging this stuff. You, you wanna have a flow in life to a certain degree. These are guideposts that help you along your way. You know, it'll help you understand why you track certain people or why there's difficulties in some areas of your life. But then you need to take steps and yeah, I would say certain timeframes tend to be a little bit more conducive to others. You know, you're, you are in a new start. You're in a twenty eight, ten one. I will say something about this particular type of one. Yeah. It rules partner success to partnerships, contracts, and agreements.


Leah: Okay. Well, I think I'm getting engaged this year. So I think that might, you said that earlier about like partnerships or relationship changes. I'm like, I mean, I feel like that's coming and we've talked a lot about it. So I'm, by the time this episode comes out, maybe I'll have a ring on my finger, but but yeah, so that's really  interesting.


Josh: So you're, you're partnering in alliance with someone makes you stronger than, or more effective than just alone. Right. Okay. Right. But not just that, but, but also you may find that there are other people in your space that you can team up with, or you scratch their back and they scratch your back. Don't be afraid to work with others and have mutually beneficial arrangements. And that's going to be key to your success. This year, those are, those are, those are specificities to that kind of, this is why when people only use single digits, I'm like, you're missing so much important information. 


Leah: And it's crazy. Cause well, I just hired a podcast manager. I mean, I have our editor, but I just hired someone to manage all of it because I need to put my energy in other places and we just brought my, the girl who's been helping me with social media. She's been, you know, very much part time and had other clients, but now she's taking a greater role in my business. And I'd love to bring her on full time this year, If you know, it comes out to that. So it's cool. You're saying that. Cause I mean, that's exactly what's happening in my world right now. I said, this year is about discipline for me and delegation and focusing really on my future. I'm if you're into astrology, I'm hitting my Saturn return coming up.


Leah: So, Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. So I've, I've definitely been feeling a lot of that energy. I had a couple of astrologers talk to me a little bit about what that looks like in my chart, which. Is around family and, you know, roots and things. And so that's been really top of mind


Josh: Fourth house? Fourth house? Yeah. Yep. Okay. Yeah. 


Leah: Yep. And it's been very top of mind for me. Like I've been wanting to figure out where I'm living the rest of my life. I want to buy a home. I'm like. What am I, when am I going to have kids? Like, I've just been thinking about very like rooted family, like that sort of stuff, you know, setting myself up for success in the future financially. And, you know, it's really cool what you said earlier, because I fully believe, you know, when I did that money healing stuff in 2022, I fully had. A moment where I knew that when I had that experience, when I held hands with my future self and my younger self, my future self laughed at me and she just said, Oh my gosh, it's so funny what you're, what you are, you know, so concerned with right now, like you're going to be okay.


Leah: And she kind of said to me, like, you're going to be really successful and not worry about money at all. And I fully believe that I fully believe that abundance and money is something that will come into my life. And it has, you know, really since then. But I just I love that you're what you're saying because and I love when this happens when I get any sort of reading their synchronicities amongst all of them. So it's just really beautiful and it reassures you in so many ways.


Josh: So yeah, so that's, you know, that's the Jungian, you know, synchronicity thing. And my former psychotherapist from back in the day told me it was a young yin or follower of young, I'm not even sure if that was a compliment or not, but I, I, I think it was, but uh, I take it that way, but yeah, you'll notice that there are, you know, experiences you have similar messages coming to you around the same time. Again, I've been doing this for so long. I I'm, I'm used to these things and seeing these things are a fact to me, you know, and you know, when the student is ready All kinds of masters shall appear in different guises and experiences, you know, to help you on your path. Right. And it's just about, you know, utilizing them in, in, in taking the steps forward.


Josh: But yeah, it sounds like you were actually doing the things that are associated with your cycle. That's why I feel good about it because you were in alignment. Yeah. You're in alignment, you know, so this is good. 


Leah: Yeah, well and it's cool because, you know, I just have your chart pulled up here and as you're talking, you know, you're a human, in human design, you're a sacral generator, and I can tell, one, you're so excited about numerology, which is a part of your, you know, purpose and being excited about things is what makes a generator. You know, so infectious. And so I can feel that from you, but what's really interesting is I was, you said the word analytical and I just immediately thought how analytical you are as a person, I can just see it in you and in your chart, you've got, you've got this whole area up here where you, your mind is connected straight to your head.


Leah: So you've got this energy. That's like it's, it's incredibly analytical. Even the gift that you have there is all around awareness and being able to see an inner. You know, it's tied to your incarnation and your human design. So it's just, it's so cool seeing it play out. 


Josh: Well, whoever this guy was, I forgot his name. The, uh, Yeah. Right. Apparently there's, there's a lot in common with him. And even the timing of me coming back to beat that when I read up about him a little bit more, I went, Oh, I feel like a kindred spirit. You know? Yeah. I was like, I like this guy. And definitely just felt connected to him and his work. And, you know, I am working on a book, it's been kind of slow going because I get sidetracked, but I'm about halfway done now. And in the book, I talk about these case studies about, you know, how certain numbers play out in various aspects of our life. That's just based on research, right? And it's kind of helped people to wake up out of this sort of the unconscious usage of their numbers to a conscious manifestation of their numbers.


Josh: Like I said, the numbers change. You know, the, the code is meant to be broken and the numbers morph into the higher elements of it. Right. So, so when you have, when you're sort of unconsciously innate, [00:44:00] you know, you might have anxiety about money, you know, you might have self worth concerns and, you know, typically with the 44, you know, growing up in an environment that did not feel stable or secure. But late, you know, that can create being stuck in, in a pattern just to keep yourself, you know, financially stable, but not necessarily thriving. And then when you're waking out of that, you then realize you can, you can create your own stability and your own foundation. You may have grown, you see, All those experiences that you had growing up was, you know, they're, they correlate to your life path number.


Josh: There's other things in your chart as well. Again, then I have to keep saying that because people misunderstand. I'm only using one, one fifth of a chart, even less. So that's why it takes quite some time to do reading, but you, you, you're, you're definitely experience things associated with your life path, right? So that's meant to be, then you understand that you're, when you look at experiences in your life. You might have a predisposition to have anxiety about something, but when you remember, oh my gosh, that's because I grew up under that, that's what trained me to believe that way, but I don't have to buy into that anymore.


Josh: I can choose to see things from a more abundant way of approach. You need to understand the predisposition, you understand the code first, because a code, these things like human design and astrology and numerology, when done properly, I must add because there's a little too many people out there, you know, doing things not properly, but when they're done properly, they, they help us to understand this process. It's, it's an, and you had this experience, of course, in your eight cycle and it had to do with what issues involving money and, you know, eight in your eight cycle. 


Leah: So my next cycle will maybe hopefully be a really abundant. 


Josh: No, that's a correct way of looking at it. You're right. You're right. I mean, I, I could go back to 2013. You're just too damn young. But you know, you could, I don't know, maybe you can think about what you're going through during that timeframe and a super young, like, you know, In a way, my 


Leah: My senior year of uh, my senior year of high school. 


Josh: Yeah, it's yeah, you're too young. Yeah, you're you're indeed right in your next eight cycle. That can be a time frame of great success and abundance because you're ready for it at that point. Yeah. 


Leah: I'm curious your thoughts around two things angel numbers, and then also people having a lucky number. 


Josh: Yeah. So, oh God, the angel number. So I, I, I have a love, hate relationship with angel numbers because in many ways it became that this sudden sort of popularity of angel numbers has brought numerology back on the map in many ways.


Leah: You're like, I have lots of people coming to me now. 


Josh: Well, you know, and then people are asking me and it, and it, and it puts more interest in numerology and I think it's been good for numerology that way. The term angel number was coined by Doreen Virtue in the early 2000s who was sort of a new age, Spiritualist who you know did a lot of these little decks that give you messages and cards and you know The one that turned on all that too.


Josh: Yeah, you got it. Yeah at some point she became an evangelical or a devout christian and then she Turned her back and all that stuff saying and it was wrong and I you know I had screwed up and all that stuff. So i'm not a a big fan either way About her and and there's no core. There's no correlation between these numbers and specifically angels Although You could say, you know, I'm getting into semantics here, but you could say these numbers that we see can take on a life of its own and they may have a vibrational frequency and then they can bring us messages, right? But I don't just because Doreen virtue called it an angel number. And then, you know, 20 years later, suddenly we're talking about angel numbers again. And I, you know, now when people ask me about it, I said, I will tell you what that number means from my experience, but I don't specifically call that an angel number, but you can call whatever you want. You know? 


Leah: Now, is it series is of three numbers? Cause you'll see like seven, seven, seven, or four, four, four. Like, is that considered, or is it just like two numbers or it could just be one number?


Josh: So usually they're, they're at least double digit numbers, you know, like the most common one is 11, 11, 11 which happens to be sort of the the basis of all master numbers. Remember I told you the double did to repeat 11, 22, 33, 44, which is your master number and your life path. Which by the way, when you, when you really attain the mastership of that number, it morphs into concerns about your stability and to building large scale projects with you at the helm. So that, that would meet. And I associate for sometimes with actual physical places. So that could be a center that could be like, like a place to go a building 


Leah: In my head right now, because I have all that floating around. 


Josh: All right. Now is now, is that interesting? We grew up feeling very you know, destabilized. And a lot of anxiety about keeping the roof over the head, right? And worries that, you know, you're asking for expensive designer milk, right? To, at one point, owning an establishment, you know, a center or a foundation like that. So, which, by the way, people can go who are unstable. So they can be stabilized, right? So you see the wound gives us this kind of you know, higher purpose, but back to angel numbers, usually double digit numbers, 11, 11, 22, you know, and then there are triple digits, quadruple digits, you know, these kinds of things.


Josh: And, and, and look, what they mean is, is that consciously we're starting to wake up out of the matrix. And these numbers are showing us that giving us messages that there is more to life than what we've been seeing in our tunnel vision. Now they all have their own sort of, you know, I guess you could say threes mean something a little bit more than fours and fives and things of this sort, right? So if you see three fives, maybe it's a timeframe when you need to break free from limitations and restrictions, take chances, travel, you know free yourself from the self bondage and chains of life. You know, if it's sevens, it's time to delve into the mysteries of life. Go, you know, maybe you're going to go to an ashram or go to retreat or it's time to research more or find her in meditate, you know, eights, it might be a timeframe for you to really take further authority and power for your work, realize what your, you know, your achievement, you know, possibilities are and and move into stronger self worth.


Josh: I mean, you can, you know, nines would mean reach out to humanity and start to. Have a more global perspective and be more of a healer teacher helper. I mean you can you can do that. Yeah, but But the funny thing is I started seeing these books on angel numbers which again is a made up term from a woman who turned her back on the term that she made up and which you astutely pointed out and Now these eight these new meanings that have nothing to do with traditional numerology, and I don't I don't buy into it You know, 


Leah: I'm glad you told me this. I'm I love that. I love breaking. There's two things I love I love spirituality, but I like making spirituality practical and I like Demystifying it and I like but I like mystical stuff as well So I do appreciate that that realm but I like things when especially when it comes to numbers I want it to be practical and I wanted and I want to know the origins of where something comes from and you know With lucky numbers, I guess I get curious like So my lucky number is nine.


Leah: It was born at 11, 11, 11 um, November 9th, 1995 at 8 0 9 PM. My mom was born on, you know, a nine. My grandma was born on a nine. My partner's a nine. My dog is born on June 29th. Like, and my last name is McLeod and I always thought cloud nine had a really great ring to it. But I just love that number. It's like my lucky number. I use it for everything. I feel like I always have good luck when there's a nine involved. Does that, I mean, obviously that. Is it maybe you see that some people happen to choose you said I'm a four four eight, you know, eight could have been my lucky number, but it's it's not necessarily but I don't know. I guess. Is there any sort of like thing that you you've correlation you notice between people having a lucky number and something?


Josh: Yeah. Well, not to be redundant here, but just once again, I, I'm only scratching the surface with one number. It may seem like I'm, I'm giving you a lot of information. I've only done this for 7, 000 years. So that's why I can with one number. So, right. So you got to understand that, but when I, it, it is entirely possible that one of your other, you know, five numbers, you know, in the chart may very well be A nine. So that's so let's start with that. The other thing is, is that it's, it's also important to understand what a nine means, generally speaking, and not, you know, some goofy rendering it, you know, from an angel number book, but the nine signifies reaching out to the masses and the public, usually with a, if you want to call it healing and helping, you know, altruistic message.


Josh: And so nines are people, persons, and they're supposed to do things on a more, you know, universal way. We're all in this together, and it's not just about me, it's about all of us, and it's about having empathy and sympathy for others, and wanting to do something to make the world a better place. Well, you know, not all nines are like that, by the way. So I think someone sent me, you know, once in a while gets these weird messages sent to like, I'm going to spend time and answer all these questions, but somebody, I was like, what the fuck is this? But anyway, somebody sent me some weird thing. And it was like, you know I think it was this, this evil dictator in Russia, you know, was a nine. And so. You can't take a one number out of context. Yes. Right. 


Leah: Right. So, and you just say, you know, universalizing, you know, public, you know, so maybe it's like,


Josh: Oh yeah, it killed a lot of people. It's very universal. You know? So yeah, you have to look at the entire chart and not, you know, but like I said, you may have nines in your chart and which wouldn't shock me considering the work that you do. And yeah, I, I, you know, Nine is a number that's one is the individual self. We're talking about one person here, and that's you and you doing your own thing. And then and you have nine, which is the sort of the, you know, there's the beginning and the end or the alpha and the omega or just me. And then the nine is like everybody else.


Josh: Right. So nine really does think in terms of how we can, you know, shape things in society. But, you know, if your chart has a lot of like fives, which is like marketing and promoting, and you have nines, you might be involved in public relations. You know, so it doesn't always mean that you're, you know, like Gandhi or Mother Teresa, just because you have a nine in your chart, you know, there's other versions of it. Some performers have nines. Yeah. They have nines because they're reaching out to a larger audience. But traditionally speaking, and I'd say, you know, idealistically, you should do something to help others on a broader level. Yeah. 


Leah: Right. Well, and that's a big part of what I love to do in my, my purpose with human design. I love just to help people. So, oh my gosh, I am like beyond fascinated with all the things. And feel like I could talk to you forever, but we do have to probably wrap this up. And I, I'm curious, do you teach? Do you have courses? I know you said you're coming out with a book. How can people learn from you?


Josh: Oh God, just listen to those damn podcasts. 


Leah: Just type in your name on Apple podcasts and we'll find you. 


Josh: I guess. Yeah. Yeah. I'm doing, I'm doing more and more of these, you know you know, I, I haven't done a lot of social media. I, I'm not huge on it. But my, my, my publicist now is like, you better get to work on that friend. And so I'm going to be doing more and I'll probably will be, you know, doing some kind of, TikTok stuff. 


Leah: You’re going to blow up on TikTok. And I have a pulse on that. 


Josh: And so I'll be, I'll be doing all that, that, that kind of stuff. And, and I'm generous with my, with the information. I really do want to help. And I maybe I didn't, I just want to make it clear. Yeah. I've spent a lot of time on this algorithm, but I'm driven by to help and to heal. And the, and, and you know, I have my own wounds. I was adopted. You know, I, I, I think I was psychologically. wounded by that. I had a difficult relationship with my mother growing up, you know, I had You know, feelings of abandonment.


Josh: I had all kinds of things and, and I played out those wounds in my life. And it's, it's given me a lot of empathy and sympathy for others. And, you know, this all stuff is fascinating and fine and dandy, but the, the real purpose of it is, is, is to heal and to help others. And that's what I'm here for, you know, you know, absolutely. So people want to get a reading. They can always book something on my website. 


Leah: Yeah, we'll link that down below too. We'll link everything so people can book with you. I mean, I'm going to go to that link right away. I want to book with you in an hour talking to you about just my chart. So I thank you so much for coming on here and sharing your wisdom and your knowledge. It's been really fascinating and I can't wait to see, you know, where else you go. And I'm going to definitely tune into even more podcasts. Maybe I'll have to come, have you come back on what we're trying to do. More in person stuff. I'm currently turning my office into a podcast studio. So maybe you can come and dive a little bit deeper or even do a live reading or anything that you'd want to do for your work. I'm just fascinated by this. 


Josh: So you're not, you're not too far away. We can do it. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


Leah: But yeah, thank you Josh for coming on here. And yeah, just appreciate you.


Josh: Hey, thanks for having me. Ciao.