The Design Of You

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Understanding Your Purpose with Your Incarnation Cross in Human Design

EPISODE #25: Understanding Your Purpose with Your Incarnation Cross in Human Design

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In this episode, Leah shares all about the Incarnation Cross in Human Design. She discusses all of the following:

01:28 Life updates

09:59 BTS on Human Design Mastery

18:04 What is incarnation cross?

24:49 What's important about Incarnation cross?

27:11 Whats the significance of your conscious sun gate?

28:13 How can I find my incarnation cross?

30:31 A breakdown of right angles, left angles, and juxtapositions

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, explores the topic of incarnation crosses. She explains what incarnation crosses are and why they’re important for living in alignment with your human design type. Leah dives deep into more advanced explanations of right angles, left angles, and juxtapositions. She shares some life updates and tells us about her program Human Design Mastery.


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Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of The Design Of You, the podcast. Today's episode is going to be all about the incarnation cross in human design, which is essentially where our life theme and our purpose. is at in human design. So a lot of times people will say to me, you know, when you look at a human design chart, can you tell what my purpose is?


Can you tell what I meant for what is my dream career? And the long story short is that no, I can't actually tell you what career you are designed to embody. But what I can tell you is that basically you have a theme or a I kind of think of it as like your presence that you bring to a lot of things in your life and that as you're in alignment, you will start to kind of evoke this specific energy or, cross or incarnation, which is essentially like why you're here.


This is like the purpose that you kind of evoke. And so I'm going to get into all things incarnation cross, but you know, what I realized is that I haven't really given a personal update in a while on my podcast. And so I'd like to take the time today to. Really just kind of give a little bit of a personal update.


I might just be feeling a little bit in the mood to give a personal update because I just had a sip of wine and it is a Tuesday. I do not drink during the week, hardly ever, but I am having a very hard week. I'm actually recording this a day before this goes out. So today is Tuesday, August 29th, and this is going out on Wednesday, August 30th.


This is delayed because last week I was really sick.  and I did not feel good. My nose was super stuffy. It's still a little bit stuffy. So if I sound like I'm congested, it's because I'm getting over being sick. And I feel like everyone has been sick lately. I just got off the phone with my sister today.


She's super sick and she sounds exactly like I did. an influencer I follow on Tik TOK. She was sick. Recently, a bunch of my friends earlier last week, weren't feeling well. the, I was at a wedding a couple of weeks ago and several people were also feeling sick from that., it just feels like everyone I've talked to is coming down with something.


So that said, if you're listening and you haven't been sick yet, please take your zinc and your vitamins and get rest and take care of yourself. Because I really think that I didn't get. sick because I wasn't, or the reason I did get sick was because I hadn't been resting. We basically, so a couple weekends ago, I was at a wedding in Ohio and I, our flight was at 5 45 AM out of LAX and LAX is about an hour.


sometimes it can be like 35 minutes. It depends on traffic here in LA. I love when people ask me how far things are for me in like where I live. I live in Orange County, Newport Beach. People will be like, how far is San Diego from you? How far is LA? How far is Disney? How far is and I'm like Really just depends on traffic now where I live Orange County is like this little kept beautiful secret, which it's not a secret But it feels like everyone's obsessed with either San Diego or LA and then everyone forgets that there's this beautiful place called Orange County in the middle that Allows you to within a day get to San Diego or LA and you have less traffic less tourists and it's Literally so beautiful here all the time besides this year, it's like been really rainy, which has been super unusual, but, anyway, so long story short, we had a really early flight to Ohio and so then we, so given that, you know, it could take an hour to get there, we had to leave at 3 a.m.


And if you know me, I'm already a night owl. So for me, I barely went to sleep. I think I fall asleep like right after midnight and then woke up at like my alarm at 2 30. So I was on like no sleep. sleep, we fly. I feel like that's when I got sick. And then I was at a wedding with like a gazillion people.


And then all of a sudden it was like the Sunday after the wedding, I was like, Ooh, I don't feel good. And I was like, I swear it was probably that flight. So definitely if that is you, then, if you, if you're not getting rest, then be careful because there's a virus of some sort going around. But that's why this podcast is late because last week I just, I mean, I, I kept thinking, okay, maybe today's the day I was going to record, which I like batching podcasts, like all of next month is pretty much batch, and I have got a lot of episodes actually until the end of the year that I've already batched with interviews and things, but a lot of times I just do them by the, you know, flying at the seat of my pants.


So. I didn't get a chance to do that, this past week. So thanks for bearing with me. I really don't think it matters as much as people say business tip. You read those things. I mean, it's definitely important to be consistent when, but when people are like, you know, do things the same way every week.


Yeah. I think that that matters. Like, I think it's important that you guys know when my podcast is coming, but I don't think it matters a whole lot. Like as long as y'all are getting some good quality content, that's what really matters to me because at the end of the day, my mission is. to teach you guys how to live better lives, have better relationships, and to become the most authentic, vibrant version of yourself through human design and spiritual tools.


Did you guys know that was my mission? It's actually completely laid out on my Instagram right in the, in a pinned post. You know what? In fact, I'm going to take a moment right now to read it to you in case you didn't know. And actually, and actually now that I'm looking at my, at my Instagram, it is not actually pinned anymore, so I'll have to re pin it.


so my mission in human design and in my whole entire life is that I want to connect you to yourself to live a better life, have better relationships and create the life of your dreams. I also want to redefine what spirituality and wellness. looks like. And what I mean by redefining spirituality is moving it away from being something woowoo out there, dogmatic or impractical and making it modern, useful, tangible and accessible.


I truly want to redefine wellness by getting away from our typical, you have to work out this many days or eat this specific way, et cetera, and start introducing you to an intuitive place that allows our bodies to become well by living in a state of flow. so that is my mission. And if you want some other little tips.


That are, that are in this post. this post is from, let's see, I posted this on April 4th, by the way, this is like my mission. I kind of had this pinned on my profile. So all of you knew who I was, if you came to my page. but my unique approach to human design is making it all about having fun, putting an emphasis on connection and tying in spiritual wellness.


And, the other thing is that I consider my style of teaching a blend of pop and source human design because I found. I find that I blend the two very nicely and I like the approachability of kind of the pop HD. I gotta do a whole episode on pop versus source HD, but I like the approachability and that it brings in newcomers, but I also like the deep cellular integration of source human design that allows people to go really deep.


So my ultimate goal is to connect people back to themselves. So I don't really care or get overly caught up in the conversation of right versus wrong. And so that through my podcast and my offers, I hope you feel a level of care connection, no judgment, stronger sense of self awareness of your energetics transformed spiritually, loved wholeheartedly, lighter and understood.


So I don't know why I just decided to go down a route of giving you guys my mission, but. Really, my mission is that you guys, you know, my mission is just what I said. And so, therefore, I don't think it fully matters when or, or this, you know, if I launch my podcast every single Sunday at 5am, you know what I mean?


let me know what you guys think. I'd be curious to hear from you guys. Send me a DM. So yeah, so personally, it's been a, it's been a hard couple days for me. I don't really want to get into it all. don't worry, like my relationship's fine. My, you know, things are, things are fine. I'm just, struggling a little bit with some stuff with my, my puppy dog and,and just trying to like figure out some lessons, in life.


I'm a little frustrated with some family members. I'm a little frustrated with my, myself a little bit,and, and sort of my, I think I'm frustrated because I just was sick for a week and I had a lot of like things that I wanted to work through the next, like last week and this week and I feel a little bit behind.


So I'm a little frustrated just by like my body, which is so why it's so important to take care of ourselves. And, and yeah, so,, Yeah, I'm just putting it out there that I'm a little frustrated at the moment, because of just things that are out of my control. And I've been having lots of talks with God Sunday, I had a long talk with God or my spirit guides or the universe and really, you know, asked a lot of hard questions like, you know, what lessons are you trying to teach you right now?


can you, can you spread these lessons out? I don't know why these need to keep happening. and also just. Really, you know, even today was, if you know me, I love to voice note, which is half the reason I started a podcast because apparently I just love to talk into the abyss. but with voice noting really no one listens to my voice notes, of course, , in my voice recorder app that I have, but I spent a lot of time today voice noting.


I typically do this when I drive and I really broke down today. I just kind of had a. I had a moment and I said, I, you know, I surrender, I, you know, let go, let God, if there's something that you're trying to teach me, please let me know. and I, I promise to, to pay attention to the signs and that this frustration is only temporary and I'm praying for positive outcomes on some things.


So just giving you guys a little update on where I'm at, but outside of that, things are really good. You know, I'm really grateful. For a lot going on in my life and in the design of you, there's some really cool stuff happening. So, and so of course, the first thing that I am going to touch on is of course, my, my upcoming course, human design mastery.


If you haven't heard about it. Well, let me introduce to you guys human design mastery. I have a whole podcast episode dedicated to this entire course, , which just launched a few weeks ago. So if you're interested after hearing a little bit more about it right now, then go ahead and listen to that episode, or go ahead and just click the link down in the show notes, which will take you directly to the.


Landing page that gives you all the details about it. But I wanted to remind you guys about the course because enrollment closes this Sunday, September 3rd. And the number one question that I've been getting asked about the course is, I cannot make the calls live. And I would really like to join. Is that a problem?


I'm too busy. I have a vacation. I work during the hours. I live in a different country. You guys can still join. Let me tell you that this is, there are live calls but they are not You don't have to join the live calls. I am doing a live version of this course for two reasons. Strategically, number one, I, so it, okay, let me actually back up a little bit.


So I have taught human design in mentorship for about a year and a half. I have been teaching people human design through one on one mentorship over several calls. And what I am doing is I am now moving human design into a. I'm moving my training into a group training. Now you do not have to join the training at the live calls.


There will be replays available of every single live call. And why I'm doing it in this format is that so every Tuesday and Thursday, if you can make it, we're going to be on a live call and I'm going to walk through these slides. with you so you can, you know, ask me questions, you can go through with me, if you're someone who does not have the capacity to do something on your own time.


So for me, I don't know if any of you guys relate to this, that you've bought an online course and then it's just sat there and you spent thousands of dollars on it and then you literally never. You never spent the time to digest the information while the live calls are there that if you are like, okay, I need to dedicate time and sit down and listen to someone walking me through it, then you have the opportunity to do that.


But I also understand that those live calls are not going to work for everyone. So there is also going to be again, those replays available so that if you can't join one of the calls, cause you're sick, you're on vacation, you work, you have, you know, an outing or something happening that overlaps. or maybe you're just tired that day, then you can rewatch it tomorrow or the next day, or at any point that makes sense for you, but you will still also have the slides available.


So you could just read through it if you wanted to. And the other thing that you will be getting with this course is there will be a self paced version of this course available for you. So in my course, it is right now, he live version and you'll have the replays and the PDFs to download after.


To kind of go through it together and again, let me also add there is a group portal Not again because I haven't said that yet But if you've listened to the other information or stuff that I've been sharing about it There's a group portal available. So you can ask me any question that you want. So say Say that it's you know a Tuesday night.


You've got I don't know Maybe you're on a volleyball league with all your girlfriends and you can't make the call Well, then Wednesday you log on you watch the replay you download the PDF and so you're going through the content And you have a question for me that since you weren't able to join the live call, you could ask me this question.


You will have the ability to not only interact with other students in this portal, but you'll also have the ability to ask me questions. I'm going to be in there literally every single day, kind of asking you guys things or answering things for you.  and then, so what I wanted to get to is that also at the end of this live version, these.


These six weeks. And technically there's 12 calls. There's 12 calls that are the modules or the content, and then there's an opening and closing ceremony. So therefore you have 12, 12 calls, 12 calls, and, plus the, you know, the other two. So then there's 14 total. And then in October, I'll be releasing a self paced version.


So for you to have, it's going to be the exact same content, but why I'm, why I strategically did it this way is that. If there are several questions that come up in certain modules or things, I want to be able to edit those modules. So like in my one on one mentorship, and a lot of you listening to my podcast have definitely been involved in my mentorship, know that that content is going to be changing because there are so many questions that The people that I mentor have asked me or wanted to know more about and so I've created slides for that stuff in my, in for HDM essentially.


And then now in this group program, I'm going to be able to gauge a little bit more of what you guys want and that way. So what I'm going to do in October or early November is that I plan to launch a. , a self paced version, so if you, if you were like, I don't want to buy it right now and maybe that feels better for you later in the fall, then you can buy it then, but know that if you buy it now, you'll not only have the live versions, but then you'll also have the self paced version, so you can kind of weigh your options there, but in the self paced version, you'll also get audio of all of them, so if you want to listen to all of the, all the content in the program, like podcast style, you'll be able to do that.


If you want to read about it, there will be a, kind of like the PDFs or a transcript kind of, of the course. And then there's also going to be, I'll be running live rounds. So we'll do a live round now and then there'll be the self pace version and then I'll also do a live round probably at the beginning of the year.


I don't know when my cadence of live rounds are going to be. I might just do them like sporadically or I might try to do them in a specific sort of like every fall or every spring or every, you know what I mean? Like I haven't figured that out yet, but. Know that if you join right now, that you do not have to make those live calls.


You can still, you can still join now, and then you'll have those live calls to reference, and then you'll get the self paced version too. I mean, you'll get kind of all the content from, that will be in the self paced version throughout this one. You'll get access to these like whole modules and things later on.


So that all said, there's going to be a lot of really cool things coming if you buy now, it's just going to get even better and better. And then know that like, then you'll be able to join every live round at some point, in the future too. So if you have any questions on that, please send me a DM. I am planning to go live here soon about the course.


In fact, I'm going to go live. like if you're listening to this, I'm going live on Wednesday. So you will be able to hear directly from me all about HDM. and so yeah, so if you would like to learn a little bit more than you can tune into that, you can tune into the episode a few weeks ago. You can look at the link that's down below and again, send me any questions that you have.


I can't wait to meet a lot of you. There's about 20 people enrolled right now, which is so much fun. It's going to be such a good group. So I'm, I'm really stoked about the group that we have together so far, and I know that there's going to be even more than that coming. So Yay. all right, so now let's get into Incarnation Cross because we've now, we're a little bit in and I know you guys are really excited about Incarnation Cross because I think I've become a little bit of the Incarnation Cross girl.


I talk a lot about Incarnation Cross. It's a part of my decode tool, which I'll, I'll share about in a second. And a lot of people just ask me questions about it and I, you know, I've looked at other human design readers and I don't see them getting questions like I do. So. I think I've become a little bit of the incarnation cross girl, which I am fully embracing because I love incarnation cross.


So why don't we get into everything incarnation cross and then, yeah, it'll be fun. So buckle your seatbelt and let's talk incarnation cross. So I think it's important to just start with, you know, what is our incarnation cross? And so how I think of it and kind of what I was saying in the beginning is that all of us are born.


Or incarnated with an incarnation cross theme for our lives. And your incarnation cross is where we find our energetic purpose. And it can tell us, you know, what our greatest gifts are, what grounds us, what our biggest themes are in life and how to express our purpose. It won't tell you again, like I said in the beginning that your purpose is a certain job title or relationships.


Status, aka like you're meant to be a mom or you're meant to be a doctor or you're meant to be a human design reader. It's more like this is the energy that you bring to everything that you do. And so that's why it's our life theme or called our life theme a lot of times. And if you didn't know, Which I feel like a lot of people don't your profile is actually a big piece of your incarnation cross Your profile is actually how we know a piece of your incarnation cross So and i'll explain a little bit what that means But before we dive in I wanted to put out a few sort of disclaimers or notes Or just kind of information that you should know before we dive into incarnation cross.


So number one, this is not the first step I recommend you diving into in human design. And I also recognize that that's really annoying to hear. when I first got into human design, I remember being like, I want to know about incarnation cross or I want to know about my profile. When Or I want to know about my channels or my gates, or I want to know what digestion means.


And unfortunately, there is sort of steps that you have to take in learning your human design. Why there are steps to take before you get to certain pieces of information is that it really does require you to be into alignment to kind of feel into things. So I, I oftentimes say this, I think I've referenced this on the podcast is that human design is somewhat like a game.


Level one is okay. I found human design and I'm going to learn about my energy type and I'm going to learn about my strategy, which I'll know if I know my energy type. And I'm going to learn about my authority and my signature not self themes. And so strategy and authority is kind of layer one. And then once you've started working with that, they literally Say it takes seven years of working with your strategy and authority, aka making aligned decisions with your intuition and working with your energy rather than against it to start to kind of naturally decondition from like all the shit that's not you.


And so as you're working with your strategy and authority, then that's when I recommend you starting to like go, okay, now what's profile and how does that show up in my life and what is my definition and what, how are my centers operating? What is my. What are my open centers and what are my defined centers and how are those operating and by the way guys?


I have episodes for all of these and of course this will all be covered in HDM in a very deep way And if you have a personalized guidebook, you'll already have a kind of booklet that goes through all of this, too but what I am wanting to let you guys know is that essentially your incarnation cross is it requires you living in alignment.


So using your strategy and authority to get more of a sense for it. So for some people, this comes super naturally and for others, it can take some time. So for example, my incarnation cross is the left angle cross of defiance and specifically my gates and my incarnation cross, because by the way, your incarnation cross is made up of specific gates.


Within your chart, specifically the sun and earth gates. So mine is the left angle cross of defiance one, two, four, 49, AKA the kind of order of those is the number. The first number is the one that falls in your sun sign. And the second number is the one that falls in your conscious earth. Your second. the, or the third number is the one that falls in your unconscious sun.


And then the fourth and final number falls in your unconscious earth. Okay. If you're that, if you lost me, just don't even worry about it because that doesn't matter as much, but what it can matter for is that essentially your, what's the word I'm looking for. You can have multiple versions of a, of a, of a different kind of cross.


So for example, like you could be the right angle cross of explanation and there is a right angle cross of explanation one. Two, three, and four. So there's, there's four different right angle cross of explanations. All left angles have two versions. So there is a left angle cross of defiance one, and there's a left angle cross of defiance two.


And then if you are a four one, you will be what we call a juxtaposition cross and you will, there will not be like a one, two, three, four, there will not be multiple versions of your cross. It'll just be like juxtaposition of focus and that will just be that. Okay. So essentially, again, your incarnation cross allows you to be living in alignment for it to make sense and it might just make sense right away.


So, and what I was getting to is with mine, the left angle cross of defiance, I remember learning about that because my purpose is really to go against the status quo of things to, to be a little bit defiant, but not fully identify with the word defiant, just more like I like to do things in my own way, if you haven't noticed, and I, and so when I first learned that, I was like, Hmm.


The word defined doesn't feel great for me. Not sure what that means. But then as I observed my life specifically as a child, because here's the thing, we're less conditioned as a child. So therefore we are a lot of times operating as our highest self or like our human design when we're kids. And so when I kind of traveled back to me as a kid, I was like, Oh, yeah.


I, yep, that, that tracks. And then I would say even more so now that I am actually living in alignment and I have deconditioned quite a bit. I mean, I still have a long way to go. I don't think we're ever fully deconditioned. That's a myth. So don't ever believe anyone's bullshit if they tell you that you are going to be whole and perfect and completely deconditioned one day.


Now, not saying you're not perfect because I think we're all perfect being imperfect, right? But. I think that life is about light and darkness. It's about, you know, breaking glass and putting them back together, you know? I love that what I don't even know the name of it, but if you guys seen that like me, it's not a meme but like a It's like a Japanese phrase of when basically there's this kind of metaphor of when people in I think it's Japan when they break a Like pottery mug, they'll put it back together with gold.


oh my god I don't even know what the frickin words are gold like I want to say like plaster, but like they'll basically put the mug together with the broken pieces and then it's a beautiful mosaic You know what? I mean? So I kind of look at life that way is like we're meant to have the light with the dark.


So And on that note, so going back to, incarnation cross and what it means. So again, so it requires living in alignment and then also know it's not actionable. That's the other reason why a lot of people don't talk about it right away is because it's not like you learn your incarnation cross and do something.


So I learned I'm left angle cross of defiance. I'm not going to just all of a sudden just be like so defiant and go against the status quo and like, you know, embrace that as like my personality. It's more so I witness it now. I know that that's a part of me. And so it's usually not even conscious in the moment.


It's usually after the fact that I'm like noticing, like again, looking back at my childhood and seeing moments where that would happen, or perhaps, you know, looking at myself through growing up. Perfect example. Like, growing up, if my, if my dad told me to go left, I'm going right, you know? Like, I always want to do things in the other direction that someone tells me.


And so, yeah, that's like been definitely a theme. I don't consciously do that. I don't go, Okay, like, well, I'm left angle cross of defiance, so let me fit myself into the box. And like, you're gonna tell me this, I'm gonna go that way. Sometimes people tell me advice and it's great. Like, you know, that doesn't happen all the time, but I know that I sometimes will want to do things differently.


So that's how I have seen it. So, but it's not actionable. So I don't ever recommend someone learning their incarnation cross and then like changing their life or doing something different. It's just more something to witness and to see and to reflect on and to feel into once you've been living in alignment for a while.


And again, your profile, which is one of the most important aspects of your human design, because it gives you insight into your personality. We'll give you insight into how to align with your incarnation cross and we'll talk about how in a second. and then again, there's four gates that make up the incarnation cross and knowing what each of those gates are, the planets that they fall into, which will only be your sun and earth in human design or, or sorry, in your incarnation cross.


And knowing which ones are conscious and which ones are unconscious and what centers are on, there's so many freaking layers to it all, guys, like, it's so hard sometimes to do these podcast episodes because I'm like, well, you got to listen to this episode, you got to listen to that episode, or you just have to join HDM and learn all of it because you will be getting, if you think that we're diving into Incarnation Cross here, well, we are, but there's so much more to, there's so much more to come, in HDM because it's, it's, I mean, I put my whole, Heart and soul into that course.


And, , I can't wait for it. So the most important gate. In general, so when you learn about gates know that the most important one and then that this one's also part of your incarnation Cross is your conscious son. It's kind of like the veil over your entire chart I think of it as like your most strongest gift minds and gate one the gate of creativity I talk about this in some of the podcast episodes And so yeah, okay so Again, where do we find our incarnation cross, which is the second question?


It is made up of these conscious and unconscious Sun and Earth signs in your chart So if you look at the columns on either side of your chart Look at the first two gates in each of those columns or the numbers There's going to be a Sun symbol and an Earth symbol symbol, the sun symbols, like a little, it looks like a bullseye and the earth looks like a circle with a plus sign in the middle.


And then look at the gates next to those. So when you do that, then you'll know the numbers that it's made up of. And if you're just like, I don't need to know all that because you really don't, unless you're wanting to become a human design reader, you can just look up your chart on any chart software that exists.


If you want to go to my website, the link is always in the show notes to look up your chart. It'll literally just say exactly what your incarnation crosses. So it'll say. You know, right angle cross of explanation or right angle cross of service or whatever yours is. And so, breaking down what each of the gates means.


So, your conscious sun, which if you're just looking up your chart and seeing like right angle cross of explanation, it'll have that, there'll be brackets and then it'll list four numbers. And the first number is your conscious son. The second number is your conscious earth. The third number is your unconscious son.


And the fourth number is your unconscious earth. Your conscious son is the most important gate again in your entire chart. It makes up the core of your life theme. So if you think I'm creative, which as a child, again, kind of what I was saying earlier about us always kind of embodying our chart without trying as a kid, I was the most creative.


Little girl ever. My parents used to say that I was going to, I used to say I was going to become an artist. I, my parents used to talk about how amazing I was at art. I am such a creative human. I embody creativity. That is what makes me, me. I love being creative. I love doing things a little bit differently, AKA LAX of defiance.


So. That is the core of my life theme. And so learning the core of yours will probably speak to a lot of what you experience. And if you have one of my personalized guidebooks, it'll tell you the high and low expression of each gate. So then you can lean into, okay, this is the high expression of this, or this is the low expression of this.


And so this is quite literally how you're designed to express your light in the world. It's very potent. Now your conscious earth, this is what grounds you. This is what will bring you back to center. This is what you're here to receive as you pursue your purpose. So when you lean into that, you'll start to understand.


A little bit more about your, your, what kind of grounds you more about your purpose and then moving into the unconscious aspect. So your unconscious son is another potent gate because it has that sun energy, which is very, very big, but it's unconscious for the most part. And other people may see it in you and you may identify.


But it's just something to kind of like go, okay, yeah, that's a part of me. So learning about that gate can be super potent. And then your unconscious earth, same with the conscious earth. It's a very, very much of a grounding point and it can be again, unconscious for most. So know what your incarnation crosses and what the gates are made up of.


And. Then there's this right angle, left angle juxtaposition piece that falls into it. And here's the little hack to know is that all right angles, if you're a right angle, if, or if you want to know what someone's incarnation crosses, their profile will speak to what angle they are. So if your profile is there's 12 profiles total, as you guys know, so like one, three, one, four, five, one.


6, 2, 3, 6, so on and so forth, right angles. The, the, in that two number combination, the first number will always be smaller than the second. So right angles are one threes, one fours, two fours, two fives, three fives, three sixes, and four sixes. And they make about 64% of the profiles. So most of you listening are probably right angles and.


The thing about being a right angle is that you actually have a personal karma. So you're here to be kind of fully absorbed in your own process. And your journey is designed to be focused on self exploration. And so I always say it's like a personal karma because it's like the more that you work on yourself, the more that you impact others.


That's the way that I look at it. So you are someone who it's, you're really meant to Work on what makes you authentic. Go on a personal journey. Learn a lot about yourself because the more that you are who you are, you embody your own energy, the more that then you can, then you can really walk your aligned path in the best way.


And then for left angles, so left angles make up about around 33 percent of the population. Left angles, their number, the first number is bigger than the second number. So five ones, five twos, six twos, six threes. Those are all left angles and theirs is the opposite of right angle. So right angles are again, more focused on their personal journey.


They have a personal destiny and the left angle is more focused on the collective. So how can I impact other people? And then how does that impact me? So the more that a left angle. takes care of people around them or uses, uses all their gifts to help other people, the more that they impact themselves and can have, they can basically become the most aligned version of them.


So their greatest opportunities arise in connection from other people, and they're here to transform personal wisdom into collective wisdom, and they're here to basically get messages out into the world and truths out to other people. And whereas the right angles, it's similar, but it's more about like, how can I.


Like, let me take care of me because that impacts others versus left angles is let me take care of others and then I'm going to learn a lot about the world and then reshare that. So it's like you, you hear, you get what I mean? So right angles, karma is the more that they take care of them and the left angles, their karma is the more that they take care of other people and then they, they're feeling good now juxtaposition.


So this is only for one. So the number that's bigger than the second applies to all of them other than four ones. because. Four ones are very unique. They make up around 2 percent of the population and they walk a very specific path So when we talk about karma, it's they don't have karma in terms of if I work on myself or I work on other people Then it impacts, you know, one or the other it's more so that I meant to walk my path No matter what, and my life is about investing in the right relationships, and I'm, I'm meant to influence people, and I'm meant to do things in a very steadfast, integrity sort of way, and that I'm not meant to be pulled off, so I don't care what happens to, it's not that they don't care what happens to other people, but you know what I mean, it's like, it doesn't matter what happens to others, it happens to others, to me.


It's what happens when I actually just stick to where I want to go in life and let me walk that path in the most authentic way. Okay. So that is a little bit about incarnation at Karas. And I know you guys are like, okay, so what does mine mean? Okay. So I am the juxtaposition of doubts. What does that mean?


Well, here's a few different resources. Number one. I have a tool called decode your design. Did you guys know that? it's down in the show notes on literally every single episode of my podcast. Go down there, hit decode your design, and it'll take you to this beautiful page. It's 100 percent free by the way, and you just enter in your info and then you hit decode my design and it'll say my purpose is whatever, and it will give you a snippet into your incarnation cross.


So you'll know exactly kind of what yours means at a broad perspective. Now, the second thing. is that I actually have a free resource available. That's brand new. That's also linked down below. So if you guys are familiar with my gates and planets guide, it's a very similar guide, but this one's going into your incarnation cross.


So it will take you through your, the different. , themes of each of the gates in your cross and you'll learn a little bit more about that Now if you're like I want a full page of like exactly what it means and my gifts and how they all intertwine together Then you may want to take a step ahead and get your personalized guidebook Which has a page dedicated to your incarnation cross which I hand wrote and I'm, very proud of those And if you would like to take an even further step Then of course you can join hdm where we will be going in depth into All of the incarnation crosses, which by the way, there's 192 different incarnation crosses.


So that is why I am not spending this entire podcast episode reading off all of the incarnation crosses, because I'm sure it wouldn't take me that long, but it would take me probably a good 45 to an hour. And you guys would be sitting here like. Exactly what I said in the last episode, for Gates is like, it would feel like you were at a graduation ceremony waiting for your child or your sibling or your cousin's name to be called in a mass of a hundred people or four hundred people if you went to school with me.


So that is a few ways that you can dive in. And Yeah, so this episode actually is a lot shorter than I thought I was sitting here at the beginning giving you guys personal updates And I was like, okay Leah wrap it up wrap it up wrap it up. We've got content to get into we've got so much more I'm happy that it's ending here a kind of shorter episode Again, I feel like I've said a lot in this podcast and I am not having someone edit my podcast right now because I'm trying to do some things myself because I'm actually finding editing my podcast isn't that terribly hard and I'm gonna outsource for an editor when it makes sense.


So if you, , notice my likes and ums a little bit more, it's because I don't have someone editing them out as much as usual. So bear with me. It's the way I talk and I'm working on it. We're all trying our best out here. , but I would love to have you guys in hdm I'm i'm I mean obviously you've been hearing me talk a lot about it And I I mean it when I say that it's going to be so good I i'm not just saying that to Just say it.


It's going to be really good and The enrollment link is down below which is really just the detail page Which then you will take you to the enrollment link and I would love to have you guys seriously if you don't join now, I mean, consider joining in the future, but you're going to miss all this live content that again, you don't have to be live for, but you'll get the replays of it.


And if you have any questions on incarnation cross on human design mastery, on my personalized guidebooks on decode your design, on literally anything that I do in my business, feel free to send over a DM. I definitely, try to get in there a couple of times a week and answer DMS that I get. So if, and also if you're waiting for a DM back from me.


Know that I have a social media manager. So sometimes she doesn't answer any of my DMs, by the way, she, she just basically schedules my posts, but, know that I sometimes am not as active on my Instagram and the DMs as much because so if I'm like posting something, it may not be that active because she helps me post stuff.


So, if there's something that you've asked me and you're like, dang, like Leah's ghosting me and she's being rude. Okay. Fun fact about me is I really hate when I. Am dming someone on Instagram and they don't reply to me like it really bugs me recently. I dm someone and I was asking them What camera they use to record their podcast.


They had similar follower counts that I have, which, Oh my gosh, guys, by the way, we hit 30 fricking K on Instagram. Oh my goodness. I can't get over that. I, I nearly teared up just seeing that. which is so cool, but. But nonetheless, anyway, I DM someone and, and they like read it and didn't reply. Now here's the thing.


I do read DMs and then I'll do this. You can swipe on a DM and, and mark it as unread. And so sometimes I'll do that to go back later, but I found out, which I didn't know this. So if I've done this to you, I'm so sorry that it says that I read it, which, I mean, it's true. I have read it, but it doesn't like say that I marked it as unread or, you know, like on the iPhone, I think if you, or I don't know if it's the iPhone, but I feel like in.


Other areas if you read something and then mark it on red like it doesn't show that you actually read it yet and I am really bummed that it does that on instagram because it's not that i'm ghosting you It's that I really care to reply in a thorough way So if I see a question or something come through and I don't have the chance to reply to it.


I will mark it on red. And then when I have these sacral energy, , later that week or in a couple of weeks, I'll get back into there. But if you, there's something that you've DM me and you're like, dang, this bitch has not replied, just bump it or say, Hey, like, you know, I just want to make sure you saw this.


I won't be offended by that at all. I'll be so happy to reply to you sooner. So anyway, you can also send me an email because that's where I am most of the time and that's the easiest way to reach me. something I'm learning about also in business is that people treat DMs like email, like support emails now, which is something like I had to get over at first because a lot of people send me emails like, Hey, like I haven't got my guidebook or when's it coming?


Or Hey, like I want to do this with you. And like, I at first was like, they need to send me an email. Like, why do they think I'm going to see this? Like, this is going to get lost in the shovel. And I was getting kind of frustrated by it. And then I was like. Okay, take a step back, Leah. What do you do when you get a, like, what do you do when you want to know something?


You go and DM them first. So I'm like, I need to check myself for a second. Like I DM people before I go to their email. And because it feels like more conversational, like maybe friendly or something. But as a business owner, I'm like, well, I'm in my email more, you know, like that's what I see the most.


So all that said is just, you know, bump a DM if you've sent one, send me a new DM if you have any questions or send me an email because that will probably be where you'll get the fastest response from me. is there anything else I wanted to share here? I don't think so. I think that's everything. And if you're still here, then amazing.


Love you so, so very much. And I will see you next week on Sunday when we launch an episode on channels, which I'm doing this kind of out of order because technically channels are more important than gates and then incarnation cross comes after gates and channels. But I honestly feel like I needed to talk about gates for you guys to understand incarnation cross and channels.


Gates are a part of both of those. So I was like, well, how do I want to do this? What makes the most sense? So I'm excited to launch that episode and then guys September is gonna be such a fun month We have so many cool guests coming on the podcast Which I know my guest episodes when I look at the analytics of my podcast guest episodes do really well So I know you guys really like those and you guys are gonna have some really fun episodes to listen to soon And then yeah That's that's everything So I want you guys to have a beautiful rest of your week or beginning of your week Or whatever time of week or what day you're listening to this in your week I hope that it's all beautiful and all great and , Thanks for always sharing your love and light with me and taking time to leave reviews on the podcast It means the world to me.


So thank you so much,  for everything and we'll see you next week. Bye.