EPISODE #16: How you are Designed to Work with Others Based on your Human Design Definition

In this episode, Leah dives into Human Design Definition. She discusses all of the following:

00:55 What is Definition

11:01 How to find your Definition in your bodygraph

12:04 Single (Independent) Definition

12:45 Split (Collaborative) Definition

22:16 Small, wide, and very wide splits in definition

25:40 Triple Split (Synthesizing) Definition

27:25 Quadruple Split (Subjective) Definition

28:33 None (Objective) Definition

28:55 Reflectors 

30:05 BTS on TDOY's upcoming Human Design Training

Leah, 5/1 Sacral Generator, explains what definition is and how it’s used in human design. There are multiple definitions in the human design world and yours is specific to you. Leah also discusses how Reflectors are different from the other energy types. Check out this episode to learn how you can use your definition to live in alignment!


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Hello, and welcome back. To another episode of The Design Of You today, we're going to talk about definition in human design. And the first thing you may be asking is what is definition. And so I'm going to just right now say what this means. And that way you can get excited for the episode to learn about what your definition is.


So definition speaks to how our energy flows within our chart. with the terminology of human design, if we're looking at the centers, which are all of the shapes, so the squares, the triangles and the diamonds within the chart, how those are connected through channels. And so there are different types of definition that people can have.


There's about four different types of definition. And then I guess you could say a fifth type, with what reflectors have, which is no definition, or as I like to say, Objective definition. So basically, if you don't know what yours is, you don't need to know what your body graph looks like. You just have to look up your chart, which there is a link in the show notes below that will take you to my website and you'll be able to look up your chart, put in your information, and then there'll be a.


Column next to the image of your, , body graph that will list out all the chart aspects. So your energy type, strategy, authority, signature, theme, not self theme, definition, profile, so on and so forth. So that's all you need to do. You don't actually have to know what your chart looks like to figure out your definition, but I will break it down.


If for whatever reason, the chart generator software that you're using is not able to, or does not list it, which by the way. There are lots of chart generator softwares now that exist. And so there's also lots of different language that people use in human design and something that I'm very passionate about that.


If you've done any sort of training with me or mentorship, what I do is I'll say, you know, Hey, this is the name for this by source by, you know, what Ra Ru, the channeler of the human design system, what he says, if you'd like more information on that whole story, I've got a podcast episode a few weeks back on that, but.


Basically, he has language that he put to quite a few of the human design things and then people like me and other human design experts have broken it down into somewhat more digestible. I would say new age language to, you know, make human design go farther, right? some people love and hate that. I don't really get involved in the conversation.


But for me, you know, I care to help people and I care to, help people get closer to themselves through, you know, the human design system. And so that's what I do. And, so yeah, so that is what is important to me. And so I will break down the language. So basically definition today is again, how we flow and work with other people.


Specifically how I use definition in a reading is When someone comes to me and they're like, you know, Hey, I am struggling with, you know, my job. And I'll ask them a few questions about their job. I might look at definition to see, okay, are you in a team environment? And then I, and then maybe their independent definition, which we'll talk about.


and I might, you know, suggest maybe they do some more independent type of work or people are between jobs or if they're running a company, for example. And again, we'll get into this. I am what we call collaborative definition, which is actually split definition formally. And I do really well in connection and in collaboration with people.


So it's really important for me to remind myself to get the frick out of my house. I. You know, as a business owner, an online business owner, I'd say I'm at home by myself all the time and I don't have children yet. And my partner, he, you know, goes into work. And so a lot of times I'm by myself and I have to remind myself that because I do need to go out and connect with people.


And we'll talk about how that works for collaborative definition, but it's really important for me to just have connection. I thrive in connection. So, so yeah, so why don't we right now get into all of the different definitions, what they mean, and yeah, just sit back and listen up. I have two announcements before I do get into that.


Thanks. So first and foremost, if you have been hearing, have been listening to the podcast, I've been on Instagram and there's going to be a commercial coming up here in the middle of the episode as well. I am launching my first ever human design training. I've never taught a group training before.


I've never done a self paced sort of training. And so what I'm doing right now is I mentor people one on one that are learning human design. And it's so much fun. I love, love, love doing that, but I've decided that, you know, I can't scale working one on one with people, because you know, I, I can only take on so many people per week with all the other projects and things that I'm working on in my business.


So I am now going to be launching my first ever live human design training. It will go live at the end of the summer. I was thinking maybe late July, but to be completely honest, it is the end of June right now approaching and. I want this course to be so amazing guys. I have taken so many human design courses from all the prominent teachers from the international human design school.


I have been so immersed in my human design knowledge for so long now. I'm really, really ready to take all of that knowledge and the learnings that I've had through my mentorship program and. You know, really understanding what you guys want to know about the system and and things like that. And I'm so excited to finally launch my own online training, to give you guys my, you know, angle on human design and all of the pieces and parts.


And so this is going to be a very thorough training, like quite literally, like this is going to be the most thorough human design training that I think you'll ever take in one sitting. I'm not going to. Make this in levels where you have to take one part of the training and then, you know, then you have to sign up for level two and I originally I was going to do that.


So if you did hear past podcast where I'm like, I'm going to teach in levels, I don't want to do that anymore. You know what? I thought about it and I was like, you know what? I want people to buy this training, have everything they could possibly need jam packed into this. And then, you know, you can do you.


You can tap into the content that you want with what makes the most sense to you. So I'm very excited to officially launch this. I will be giving lots of BTS, which means behind the scenes, by the way, I will be BTS BTW, which is BTS is behind the scenes again. And then BTW is by the way. but yeah, so I will be giving you guys all the info and everything on the course on Instagram.


So definitely stay tuned, but I'm thinking we'll definitely launch at some point in August. I mean, right now I'm just going through and. Putting the finalized outline together. I'm quite literally taking questions that you guys ask me every single week on my Instagram Q& A Which is every Sunday if you didn't know I put out a Q& A and people put in questions for me and I'm literally going through every single week from the past I think I've been doing that since like August or September and I'm taking all those questions and I'm making sure that That is everything is answered in this course, and it'll be something that I work on indefinitely.


So anyway, there will be a live version and a self paced version. So basically. I will be launching a live version first, and the self paced version will be coming almost shortly after that if you're in my mentorship right now, and if you, or if you join the live version of the course, you'll have access to the self paced version indefinitely, and so, Basically, if you, want to learn with me, I definitely recommend, you know, joining the six week live version that is, again, going live sometime in August.


I'm not giving official dates because I don't wanna feel pressured, and I've done this in the past in my business where I give myself this date where I'm like, okay, July. 31st, we're going to launch this thing. And then I tell everyone, and then the weeks leading up, I'm just filled with anxiety and I'm overworking myself and I don't take care of me.


And that's not cool. That's not, you know, using my energy effectively. That's not even, you know what I mean? Like I teach energetic, so I need to embody. What I teach practice, what I preach. So I will be working on this course very thoroughly. And as it feels so ready, I will begin to, get closer to having that finalized date.


So stay tuned. So that's update number one update. Number two is. That I am now wrapping up the sort of foundations of human design. So there's a post on my Instagram right now as this goes live on what is definition. And, there's information on profiles and energy type, what human design is made up of strategy, authority, signature themes.


It's all sort of there. I have a guide that I put together on Instagram as well. So if you want to look into the. Kind of info of everything on human design. It's all sort of there foundationally. And we're going to get into an episode in a few weeks on human design one on one and foundations. I haven't figured out the title of the episode quite yet, but we'll do a whole episode wrapping up how to use that information.


And then we'll start to get into some of the deeper layers, which I know you guys are very excited about because I recently did a community survey via email list back in. I think it was in March or April and so many of you filled that out and thank you so much if you did that because I just got so much insight into what you guys are excited about, what you want to learn more about.


And so it's all coming, hang tight. I can only do so much in, you know, a day and a week and a, and a month. So, we are working on all of that. So woo. okay. So let's get into now what definition is about. Okay. So again, have your chart pulled up and what you're going to be looking for is when it says something like definition, it will say definition.


I don't think anyone has any other language for this. And, and then it will list something next to that. So you'll either see the word single split, triple split, quadruple split, or no definition, non definition, non definition. Or if you are on my website or some other reader sites, you'll see independent, collaborative, synthesizing, subjective, or objective.


Before we get into what each of the definitions mean, I want to actually explain how you know what definition you have just by looking at a chart. So basically what you'll be looking for is how your centers connect through channels. So centers are again, the shapes, the squares, , diamonds and triangles within your chart.


And then the channels are basically those lines that connect between two colored in centers. So you'll notice some of your centers are colored in some of them. Are not colored in. And so we're looking at the ones that are colored in and then notice that every center that's colored in actually has a channel coming off of it.


A channel is when two of the numbers come together and form that like line, or I like to say kind of like a wire. It's like a wire connecting these two energy circuits, AKA energy centers or shapes. And so. basically every person will have at least two centers defined besides reflectors. So they have no channels, they have no centers defined, and so therefore they have what we call no definition or objective definition, which we'll talk about later on.


But basically, what, how we know what definition you have is by looking at how they're connected. So if you have. Single definition or independent definition. It means that your energy is connected all together. So all of the defined centers in your chart and the channels are all connected. So for example, like if you've got your root connected to your sacral and then your sacral is also connected to your.


G center. And then your G center is also connected to your throat. I mean, it could be in any way. You could also have your, then the roots also connected to the spleen and then all those other ones. And so basically it's like a flow of energy. Someone who has split definition or collaborative definition, they have two sections of energy in their chart defined.


So basically these people have two sort of areas in their chart. For example, someone with split definition may have their root connected to their emotional center. Down at the bottom, but then all of a sudden up at the top, they have their Ajna and their head center defined. And so though there's two different areas and maybe then the head and the, in the mind center, the Ajna, it's not connected down to the bottom because those other ones are wide open.


So that split there's two areas and people can have a wide split or a small split or a very wide split. And so we'll talk about kind of what those mean as well. And then if you have. what we call triple split definition or synthesizing definition. This means that you actually have three different areas within your chart defined.


So you may have, again, so like the root and the emotional center connected through a channel down there. And then maybe you have your identity center connected through a channel to your throat, Ajna are connected. So there's three different areas in your chart that are kind of all in these little spots, but they're not connecting together.


So there's like three different voices and like this. So the split or the collaborative is two voices, the independent or single is one voice. And then jumping to the triple split or the synthesizing definition, there is three different sections. And then there's quadruple split definition, which is really rare, like less than 1 percent of the population.


These people almost have to have all nine centers define their people who have. Lots of different areas of energy. So they have four different sections So they may have the head and the the mind or Ajna again connected and then maybe they have their Throat and their identity connected and then maybe they have that root in the emotional and then maybe their spleen and their ego were connected But then they're not all connecting together.


And so this person will have You know lots of different areas Of a voice is kind of in their chart, they'll four different voices. And then finally reflectors or people who have no definition or as I like to say, objective definition, this just means that they're wide open. And so the way that they process information is different than all of the other types.


You'll notice when I get to objective definition that I'm basically just, just describing reflectors because it's, but it's about how reflectors kind of process. So. So starting with single or independent definition, so single definition, and again, the language I use is independent definition. This actually makes up about 41 percent of the population.


And if you have single or independent definition, it means that you have a reliable flow of energy. That is quick at processing information throughout all aspects of your life. And through your body, these people are very self sufficient. So if you have this, you are someone who again, process processes information very quickly.


You're someone who is very naturally whole and you don't really look for others to complete you. You don't need the outside connection. You're very independent. Everything flows together. So You may not feel like there's a lot missing. You probably feel very content again, independent. So a lot of people here, they like their independence in a team setting.


They're the type of people that go like if they're on a team and you know, everyone's kind of gathered together. It's like, instead of, okay, then breaking off and, you know, working with a partner, collaborating, these are the people that are like, okay, great. I have the information. Now can I go over to my desk and work on this by myself?


They very much want to work in their own flow. Now, if you have this in your also emotional authority, it can still be healthy for you to take time to sleep on things and make sure that, you know, you're really tapping into your emotions, but know that. You know, if you don't have emotional authority, things happen for you really quickly.


So you may, you know, process information quickly. And so that can get you to a decision a lot quicker. So working with your definition and your authority, or they can sometimes counter or I guess I should say, contradict each other depending on which ones you have. So just something to note there, because sometimes I'll be like, Oh, you have independent definition, but then you're also an emotional authority.


And so someone's like, well, what does that mean? Because I am. You know, I, I'm supposed to give myself time to make decisions, but then with independent definition, you're telling me I process things really easy. So your authority is the authority because it has the power. So also always trust your authority first, but then.


Always look at all of the information in your chart too. So that's when it's really important to go see a reader and to have that, you know, sort of like synthesis of all the information together. Now, moving into split definition or collaborative definition, these are people who their energy is in two different areas in their chart.


So they need a lot of collaboration and connection to get things flowing to process information. So. These are the type of people that are wanting to work in partnership, wanting to be on teams, and there are people who, you know, they're not meant to do things all on their own. They find success through working collaboratively in connection with other people.


And a lot of times I find that people with collaborative definition naturally attract kind of the other. Person that can help them flow a little bit better. They're naturally kind of pulling them towards them. but they're the type of people, they need some time to digest information. They may find that they're really good with relationships and understanding relationships.


they're usually open to connecting with other people. And so again, I mentioned earlier in my own personal experience. If I feel like something's off and I'm not processing things quickly, sometimes I just need to get out of my house. And even if it's going to a coffee shop to work, I don't even have to be in full connection with people.


Just being around people is really helpful because. As we know, our auras kind of overlap, and so what feels really good for someone with this definition is just being in public and, you know, having someone walk by you and just the energy of people kind of moving in and out of your auric field can feel really good for a split definition or collaborative definition type of person.


It's so this is you and you're feeling like you're getting stir crazy at home or you've been by yourself for a while Just like go in public Even if you're not directly talking to someone just be around people because you'll flow better I also know from from my personal experience that I will go in In public and I'll go and work at a coffee shop with a friend or something and I will seriously get so much more done.


It's wild. I will literally get 10 times the amount of projects or, you know, tasks done that I would with me just sitting by myself because usually when I'm by myself, it's just things aren't flowing. Now, I mentioned earlier that there's different types of splits, so you can be someone who has a small split, or you could have a wide split, or you could have a super wide split, and so if you have a simple split, or, you know, a smaller split, it basically means that you have one gate that would basically connect everything.


I might lose some of you here, so let me really try and break this down. Basically, so if you have split definition, you have two different sections in your chart talking. In my own chart, for example, you could go to my Instagram or my website and see what my chart looks like if you want this example. I have two gates that bridge my split.


The gates that bridge my split are gate 27 and gate 57, and I'm not going to get into what that means, but those are basically areas where I'm prone to conditioning and where I search for energy and, but basically why I'm a small split or, somewhat, you know, simple of a split is because It only takes those gates to flow everything in my chart because my root is connected to my sacral, my sacral is connected to my identity center.


So I have those three connected and then I have my ego and my spleen connected. And so I have that split where the, that, those two centers, the ego and the spleen, they're not connecting to my identity, my sacral and my root. And so the only way that they would all connect together to create single definition is if I had gate 57 or if I had gate 27.


And so those are areas where we start to see where people, you know, again, are kind of prone to conditioning, but generally speaking, what it means if you have a small split, it just means that it couldn't, you could interpret things as wrong with you. If you try to overcompensate in the specific area that you're lacking in.


So for me, gate 57 intuition, if I like, don't think that my intuition is strong, or if I feel like I'm lacking there and I try to overcompensate, there is. You know, I will feel like something's wrong with me. and a lot of times people here just need to learn that there's nothing lacking within you. and that you're really designed to kind of attract people who have that gift in your life.


Now, when it comes to relationships, you don't need to have someone who, cause a lot of times then people will be like, well, so does that mean the perfect partner? will have those, you know, gates that bridge my split. No, that's not the case. But just to, you know, spend a little bit of time explaining what that means.


Now, if you have a wide split, this means that you have two sort of energy circuits that are not connected and two separate gates or an entire channel is required to create flow between the entire chart. It's hard to describe an example without showing a picture. So just Bear with me if you aren't sure.


If you want to learn specifically what this looks like, this will be covered in my training. So for now, I'm just going to describe what they mean and then how it like kind of looks within a chart if you can follow along. But I know it can be challenging, especially for people who are visual learners like myself.


If you have an undefined head center or even an undefined mind center, you may be a visual learner and sometimes not though, depending on what channels or gates you have there. So any who, so now going into what the, the sort of wide split means. So basically this is similar to the small split where you could feel like there's a lack.


Of something in the gates or channels that could potentially bridge these splits between these centers. And so some people here will blame others, because they don't have the energy here. and basically they're really supposed to be able to see and solve problems between other people in the areas of these gates or gifts or channels that could bridge these things together.


And one of the greatest lessons here is that, you know, the less. People here with the wide split, the less they blame others and the more aware they come. of their energy and this potential tendency. It's a lot more easier for them to tap into their gifts and, you know, learn from, you know, the things that would bridge those together.


And then if you have a very wide split, so this is basically like it would take several channels. for your bridge to connect. So the example I gave earlier was like, okay, if you had a defined route that was connected to your emotional solar plexus center through a channel, and then all of a sudden you have now all of a sudden you would have that, like, you don't all of a sudden just get definition, but, and then you also had your mind connected to your head center.


It would take several channels for those two all the way up at the top to connect to the two all the way down at the bottom. So therefore you'd have a very wide split. And so if that's the case, similar to the small split and the wide split, is that you would also feel like a lack or like something is missing, or you could think that something is wrong with you in the areas that, you know, could potentially connect through there.


and so it's, it's similar to the other ones. You can blame other people and, but you're really, you have this gift of objectively seeing and solving big problems. And so it's similar to the wide split where it's like the less you blame other people and just, you know, accept the energy that you do have.


then the more you're able to tap into your beautiful gifts of having. You know, split definition or collaborative definition overall, they like the collaborative definition is the same for all of those. It's just more so noting, okay, some people would just take a couple gates. Some people would take, you know, maybe two gates and a channel.


And then some people would take several, you know, channels to get there and to know collaborative definition or split definition. This makes up. 46 percent of the population. So independent definition is about 41 percent of the population. Collaborative definition is 46 percent of the population. And now moving into triple split definition or synthesizing definition, lots of word today.


, but basically triple split makes up around 11 percent of the population. And so these people have three different voices in their system. So three different areas and they're people who are really designed to synthesize information through their body moving. And so it looks like. People having to, like, kind of walk as they're picking up information, or after a lecture, they need to walk around or sit with the information in different areas and just move things through them.


These are people that, if they're stagnant for too long, that they will feel stuck and that they can't process things. So they need to kind of move around. A walking treadmill would be really great for someone like this or, going for walks. Maybe this is the person who, as they're on the phone with someone, they need to walk around.


I don't have this definition and that is usually something I end up doing too, but, it can be even extra supportive for someone here, but they just basically have to move energy through their body to process information. And so when they work with other people, it might be like. Like, I used to do this with my boss back in my corporate days where we would go for walking meetings.


And so, these people would probably do really well with, like, a walking meeting, or You know, after they've processed or been in like a understood something for a while, they may need to just like, you know, walk around or move it through them. So exercise is going to be really supportive here and these people need lots of freedom and their schedule to be able to plant themselves in different sceneries and environments to see what parts of themselves are unlocked through the movement that they, that they create for themselves.


And so the triple split, that is how you operate. And then. And then two more, we're going to move into quadruple split now, which is called subjective definition. And these are people who work best on their own terms. So why this is, is because if you're quadruple split, you quite literally might have all of your centers defined.


So you are someone who has either eight centers defined or nine centers defined. And so these people are very consistent and they have a really strong sense of self and others do not easily influence these people. A lot of times I'll get a question here. So what's the difference between this and independent?


So independent is they have energy that flows through them all the time. And this with quadruple or subjective. definition, it's less about you being independent. It's more that you're someone who doesn't adapt much and you're going to be someone who's could be somewhat stuck in your ways. And you are someone who you do desire connections, unlike the independent definition, but you want people to celebrate you and your uniqueness and what makes you different.


And so you're, you're very selective and very subjective about. You know who you let in your life and who gets to be a part of the way that you flow and process information. And so you have to honor your selectiveness and consistency in terms of getting into that flow state. And quadruple split or subjective definition is only, it's not even 1 percent of the population.


It's less than 1%. So that's the most rare definition. So if you have that, woohoo, you're rare. okay. So now moving into no definition or objective definition, which is basically just reflectors. If you have this, and if you're a reflector, which is one percent of the population. You work best by remaining very open to information and energy flowing in and out of you.


You process, observe in a very objective way and you understand things as it moves in and out of you. You're a reflector, so you're born to be receptive and so you're receptive to environments and other people and you see things that majority of us can't. That's That's the gift of being a reflector. And the thing that reflectors really need is lots of alone time to be able to objectively process and release energy that they pick up.


And that's how they get into a flow state. So remaining objective, processing, observing things, allowing yourself to learn, and then also let go of that energy. And so that is what it means to have objective definition. And that really wraps up all of the information that I think makes the most sense around definition.


If you would like to dive deeper into understanding, you know, what are challenges with each one, maybe some misunderstandings, some tools, how this shows up in different parts of your life, maybe through relationships or just generally speaking in life, This will be covered very deeply in my upcoming training that I've been mentioning over and over and you'll be able to learn how to look at a chart and just know what types of definition they have.


So I would love to teach you and guide you and I look forward to seeing you guys in another episode soon, talking about profiles, and I have some really fun, amazing guests coming up, and we're also going to do an HD Foundations 101, don't know what I'm going to call it yet, episode as well, so lots of fun things to, like, get excited about, and to You know, subscribe to the show so you get those notifications.


I always post about my new episodes on Instagram and I send an email. So all of the places, if you're tuned in, you'll get notification on those. If you loved listening to today's episode and you're loving these educational series, if you have any. Suggestions for episodes. I would love to hear from you guys by either leaving a review or you can send me a DM.


I just got a DM today from someone who actually just started reading with. So now we're like friends and we're, we're chatting and he's been giving me the best ideas, but. He's like you should bring someone on your podcast who doesn't know a lot about human design so they can ask you questions And I have good news for you guys.


I have My friend T who actually helps me with social media She's going to come on here in a few weeks and she's gonna be Interviewing me and we might start doing more of that, but I'd love to hear what you guys want to learn about what you'd like to listen to. If there's any guests that you want to come on, it's called the design of you because it's about understanding how you're designed through specifically human design, but also in so many other ways.


So we've got Emily, the medium coming up soon. We have a spiritual coach. We have a hypnotherapist coming on. I have an astrologer. I've got just so many amazing guests that are all planned throughout the rest of this year. So. Again, if you would like to hear back from me and chat with me a little bit more about some upcoming plans or ideas that you have, let me know and I would love to figure something out so you guys get the most out of your time listening to me.


So I'll wrap it up there and thank you so much. I love you and we'll see you next week.


